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Cervical Cancer Screenings


Have you been Screened since reading Jade Goody's story?  

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  1. 1. Have you been Screened since reading Jade Goody's story?

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Tess well done for having it done, while ur there ask why the age has been put up from 18 to 25? Its seems diabolical to me as i had abnormal cells from the age of 18 when i had my smear test first done( when u had to be 18) i think it is wrong to leave women until 25, i for 1 could very well be dead by now had i left it...dont u think? The uncomfortableness isnt all that bad and over before u know it, this is why i dont get why women choose not to have it done as it is a longer process to remove the cells...just have a smear test girls waz up wi it?


From what I've read, it is very common for women under the age of 25 to have abnormal cervical cells and more often that not it settle back down again. So presuambly the min age was raised to prevent unecessary angst and treatments.

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Having had an abnormal result to a smear (i have had them reasonably regularly since I was 18 too) Its a scary thing. Fortunately nothing serious for me.


Will be called every year for a few years I think now - because of the abnormal result (it seems that 3 clear smears and 4 clear biopsies would be enough!) always better safe than sorry!


im the same, but i was 20 nearly 21 when i got an abnormal smear back. When did they change the age to 25 cos im 25, nearly 26 now and ive had loads of tests.


it is concerning to here ppl been refused smears just because of their age.


regarding Jade, i cry everytime i read a story regardin it, its jus horrendous. my heart goes out to her and her family

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From what I've read, it is very common for women under the age of 25 to have abnormal cervical cells and more often that not it settle back down again. So presuambly the min age was raised to prevent unecessary angst and treatments.


coor, i must have been particularly odd as thankfully i never had any abnormal results from the 3 tests i had done between the ages of 18 and 25.


however, i did have to have a an extra one because i never got the results back and neither did the surgery! :rolleyes:


dont let them forget you- especially if they say theyll only be in touch if the results are abnormal. you dont want to run the risk of them getting lost and you never knowing the results.




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I read that screenings are up by 20% as a direct result of JG. Which explains why I was verbally interrogated as to the validity of my reminder letter that my 3 years is up.

I wasn't impressed when I made the call the make the appointment yesterday to be given such grief.

Made the appointment, though now they want me to take the letter too.... it irks me to be suspected of lying about it being due, surely all these women being tested is a good thing!

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I read that screenings are up by 20% as a direct result of JG. Which explains why I was verbally interrogated as to the validity of my reminder letter that my 3 years is up.

I wasn't impressed when I made the call the make the appointment yesterday to be given such grief.

Made the appointment, though now they want me to take the letter too.... it irks me to be suspected of lying about it being due, surely all these women being tested is a good thing!


How ridiculous, surely they should be able to check their records to see if you're due.:rolleyes: Anyway, as you say, they should be thankful that so many more women are coming forward for smears.

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As far as I'm aware, cervical cancer is in no way hereditary, it is in 99% of cases, caused by the HPV virus which is sexually transmitted. I had my furst smear at 16, and have had them regularly since then. I'm not sure when the guidelines changed, but back in the 80's, when I first started having them, you were automatically screened if you went on the pill and/or as soon as you became sexually active. Back then, I don't think the link between HPV and cervical cancer was widely known.


I had my first smear at 16 ( 1995) when i went on pill/became sexually active and have continued to go, im due to go again shortly. My mum always drilled into me how important it was, and have never forgotten that.

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erm ive been avoiding it for 5 years

when my apointment came in 2 years ago it was put off due to long term bleeding ( i bled continously for 14 months )

i really must make an appointment soon


Any irregular bleeding should be checked out, I would have thought that the first thing they would do is check the cervix and uterus.

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