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Cervical Cancer Screenings


Have you been Screened since reading Jade Goody's story?  

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  1. 1. Have you been Screened since reading Jade Goody's story?

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im 21 and i have 2 children, yet im not eligable for a screening??? well since the tragic story of jade came out i have decided to demand a test, im at the dr's next friday hopefull he/she wont think im just been paranoid and will let me have one, fingers crossed x

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I think the age limit should only be 25 if you have not had a sexual relationship, and younger if you have, as with Jade this seems to be a very aggressive cancer and the sooner it is detected the better, it is crazy expecting women to wait till they are 25yrs.

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My sister and I have had long conversations about smears as she has never had one , she is 37 and had 6 children, I have to say I felt like i was bullying her so I have left it down to her, please even in the light of the Jade goody case never bully anyone into doing something they don't want to! My sister and I have agreed just to support each others desisions even if we don't agree with each other.

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