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Bistrot Pierre near Somerfield, Ecclesall Road - have you been?


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Wow what a feisty little forum this is, told off on three accounts on my first post...


You are right, I don't drink wine so would never expect to add £40 to my bill for it, so £80 including wine is great value and much better than those cheap and nasty other places, yes.


You are also right, knocking brand new restaurants in Sheffield is a shame and shame on me. I support all my local independent businesses, but personally I would more strongly support:


The Walnut Club - excellent food and at £5-10-5 excellent value too.

For cheap and cheerful, La Terrazza, great atmosphere and good quality basic Italian food at v reasonable prices.

And for great food in the day time you can't beat Abuelo which is good value, great surroundings (except the dodgy fake exterior) and lovely fresh healthy food.:thumbsup:


But I also don't support Nonnas - not as good as it thinks it is, Mish Mash - overpriced, and the pasta bar(?) (Sharrow Vale Rd) - the food was stale...twice.:o


My opinon, but you can go where YOU like.


Ps - Born and bred and living on ECCY ROAD, proud of ECCY RD, and too lazy to type ECCKLESHALL, theree's faar too maany lettters in itttt..... x:hihi:

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I'm with you Eccybabe. Walnut club use local ingredients and cook them well for a good price. Abuelo burritos are great for a little beer snack - although the beers not cheap. Pasta bar was a shocker when I went, and friends too have been negative - shame as it's a great potential to cook lots of nice fresh pasta dishes.


Ottos is supposed to be good. Maybe we could go sometime ;-)

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Too right. I refuse to understand any colleagues/friends when they say Eccy Road - I wait until they've said it properly. Besides the fact it's not called that, it sounds pretty juvenile when you have anyone over 10 abbreviating names in such a way.


Couldn't agree more. It's nothing more than a studentism - claiming familiarity with a place they've got little to do with other than wearing floppy hats and shouting 'whoo'. cf The 'Porter's' cottage.

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And now we onto attacking the students who keep the City afloat with cash !

Back onto the thread. I have eaten there twice and and a pleasant evening both times. Is it the best food I ever had - no, but good all the same, good wine, great decor, nice staff - perhaps its the people I go with but we do go out with the intention of having a good time. Hope they listen to the constructive criticisms on here, especially about the bar service - but if you have not been, give it a try !

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Oh it's ok in a mediocre sort of way. Efficient service, decent starters and reasonable prices were countered by bland bread, rubbish wine, and yes, a petit suggestion of the microwave.Instead get yourselves over to Zeugma or Wasabisabi on London Road (or Lonny Road as those pesky students will soon start saying).

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We went on Friday - bar is excellent the kind of place you wished did proper tapas as I could of happily spent a few hours nibbling on food whilst supping beer.


Nothing we had shouted microwave but then fresh bass, lamb cooked pink, calamari and a salad couldn't really! Chips looked diabolical mind you! And I would argue that if you have a side orders of red cabbage and dauphinoise that these shouldn't form part of the standard accompanying veg! Not sure if this is pointed out if you order them but... Would also say that the veg needs re-working so that it sits happily with all on the menu.

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