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Royal canin


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Royal Canin also do a food specifically for CKCS which I know Lindsay on here says her CKCS loves.


Yep, she was on JWB from day one... but being a fussy cavie has now turned her nose up at it. Lottie gave us a couple of sample bags and she loved the Spaniel food especially, so i'm switching her to that (handy that Lottie's shop is over the road from me :hihi:).

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Yep, she was on JWB from day one... but being a fussy cavie has now turned her nose up at it. Lottie gave us a couple of sample bags and she loved the Spaniel food especially, so i'm switching her to that (handy that Lottie's shop is over the road from me :hihi:).


Maybe sample bags were the way forward-ive just order 6 bags off petplanet (9kg) for £31 free delivery. Watch her not like them now :roll:

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Just a thought, do be careful and switch her over gradually because it can upset them if they're moving onto a new food too rapidly.


RC doesn't suit my spotties at all but I know others who have had great success with it! Just dont' switch her over too quickly.

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my friend just gave me some jwb for my cavvie to try and she just sniffed and walked away,tearing my hair out now as to what to give her,looks like it will have to be fresh cooked meat all the time for her,didnt want this as we only eat meat a couple of times a week so now will be doing it especially for her

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deelightful, why not try the royal canin? Or did you mean royal canin not JWB?


lyndsayx moved from jwb to royal canin...sorry if I've missed the point!


Fresh cooked meat isn't a balanced diet for a dog... if you're going to make your own food, I strongly suggest researching it in depth to ensure she gets all the nutrients she needs as dogs are omnivores and need more than just meat :)

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it was jwb that my friend let me try but is rc along the same lines,cos im not sure she will take to dry food because that is 2 losts of dry i have tried the other is the bakers gravy bites which she can have dry or add water too,she doesnt like it either way


no they are completely different. Pippa wont touch jwb. She finds the bits too big and only ate them after 2 days of being hungry. Try a small sample pack of rc. I only feed pip once a day in an eve. I also used to hide a few tiny bits of cheese in it at 1st. Get the mini or cavalier one for smaller bits.

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