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Castlefolds market


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can anyone remember working in the castlefolds market (fruit & Veg ) I used to work for a stallholder called cartledges in the middle avenue opposite ken harris and stan taylor, this would be around 1960, great times but was hardwork as potatoes were in 1cwt sacks then, having to pull barrow loads of spuds up south street, used to have our breakfast in mays cafe at bottom of broad street, used to catch the tram car in a morning to get there and sometimes fall asleep sat in the front bay of the tram upstairs because it was rocking so much, but fond memories anyway.

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Hi carimeo1


I didn't work there myself - too young, but my uncle, Ted Jubb worked there in the 1950's and early 1960's for Bovils. And yes he also used to remarked that it was harder work in those days as the potatoes came in 1cwt sacks and not in 25kg bags as they did later. The main thing I remember about the market as a kid was all the litter and cabbage leaves etc, that were scattered about, along with the fact that most things seemed to be packed in either a sack or wooden crate.

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Hi Leipzig, I did know a Ted who worked at Bovils, he was a small stocky chap but I didn't know his second name so it might have been him, he was always sat gassing to other fellows but he was a nice bloke, his stall used to be at the bottom of the avenue opposite granellis and the old rag & tag

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  • 3 years later...

I worked there during the 60's prior to it moving to Parkway, what a mistake that was as many of the well established joints went to the wall.

I worked for G.F Avill. They specialised in potatoes mainly, all in 1cwt sacks, then I worked for the banana joit Greenwoods, if memory serves, then Barlows, the Littlewoods. The latter specialised in wheldon apples from Sudbury.

There were many wonderful characters in those days. Happy times. I used to use May's cafe and always remember winding her up as she had a constant expression of always asking everyone the question at the top of her voice " Have yer paid?"

Then there was Renee who ran the sweet and ice cream shop

She also moved and opened the shop selling newspapers etc at Parkway

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My grandparents had a stall in the castle market and in the rag and tag plus a shop in norfolk park and their name was cartledge winnie and herbert and my mums name was beryl and she worked for them too. Was these the people you worked for.

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I worked there during the 60's prior to it moving to Parkway, what a mistake that was as many of the well established joints went to the wall.

I worked for G.F Avill. They specialised in potatoes mainly, all in 1cwt sacks, then I worked for the banana joit Greenwoods, if memory serves, then Barlows, the Littlewoods. The latter specialised in wheldon apples from Sudbury.

There were many wonderful characters in those days. Happy times. I used to use May's cafe and always remember winding her up as she had a constant expression of always asking everyone the question at the top of her voice " Have yer paid?"

Then there was Renee who ran the sweet and ice cream shop

She also moved and opened the shop selling newspapers etc at Parkway


Hi tillerman.i also worked in the old castlefolds market for about 12 months for joseph birds then we moved up to the new parkway market but it was never the same as the old market and boy was it cold up there in the winter with no roof on and the wind used to blow through those stalls when both shutters were up and the council never came to clear the snow in the winter;it was a right job trying to pull the barrows full of fruit and veg in the snow.I also worked for Bill barlow with thelma in the office and Percy Beet the salesman and old maurice the van driver.I remember the first winter down there and it was so cold that it Froze all the water pipes on allmost every stall and flooded them,I moved from barlows to work for Ken cottrill potatoe merchant as a lorry driver after passing my test at 17 years old and i still meet and talk to Kens son paul regularly but sadly ken died 2 or 3 years ago.my other 3 brothers all worked in the old castlefolds and then up at the parkway and many old Barra lads met their future wives ,as the young beautiful girls walked by on their way to work and were chatted up by the muscular lads down at the old castlefolds market.:banana:::banana:

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Thanks for reminding me, I had completly forgotten Thelma.

Maurice I remember so well. He came from Retford and in the winter had a saying about anything that was frozen. He would say "they are all frez"

Percy, he was my father!

There were lots of other girls used to walk down past us all on their way to see big Ada but that was another story.

The old market gang was something like the musketeers. All for one and one for all. Happy days eh?

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PS. Ken Cotterill. He was the ex guardsman and his Dad was a real eccentric who used to share his lunch with one of the barrow lads. Sorry to hear of Ken's demise but he must have had a good innings.

Do you remember Bernard and Arnold Dukes not forgetting Bear? Bear used to lose his rag if anyone said the word Bazaroo, which I used to constantly. It all harped back to the time when, in the fairground, he fought with a bear for cash and was doing ok till the bear's keeper said the word, Bazaroo and the bear took control. If you know the story you know what happened next.

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Thanks for reminding me, I had completly forgotten Thelma.

Maurice I remember so well. He came from Retford and in the winter had a saying about anything that was frozen. He would say "they are all frez"

Percy, he was my father!

There were lots of other girls used to walk down past us all on their way to see big Ada but that was another story.

The old market gang was something like the musketeers. All for one and one for all. Happy days eh?


Hi tillerman,or if i am right should i say D--e ,can you remember me having my tea at your house on pagehall road and then you took me out on a blind date to the beighton miners welfare club to see the everly brothers tribute band,pete and geoff=The everlys were great but that Blind date was something else!! You should have warned me to take a big paper bag for obvious reasons LOL. I remember you driving your dads mk 2 zephyr,,Lovely memories.:help:

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