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When we were kids we had real winters


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every year the snow would be upto the top of wellies and thats if we had wellies, a lot of the time it would be shoes with holes in and some cardboard inside to last the day, we would have to walk to school through it and you would'nt find a school closed like today, we would be sat in the classroom watching it snow past the window saying ali ali aster snow snow faster, dying to get outside to throw snowballs at each other, that was in the 50s, even the poor milkman with his horse and cart would manage to get around somehow, God' memories.

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Girls used to tuck their skirts into blue knickers to do handstands, enough to put you off for life. I remember once going to the Xmas matinee at Manor pictures and the staff giving us a free ice lolly on the way out, great for them but not for us. That was the first and last time I have tried to eat an ice lolly in freezing weather

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Yes, when I was young, the schools stayed open, no free days off back in nineteen hundred and frozen stiff. We used to make fantastic slides in the playground, and when we all went back to class, the caretaker used to come out and put sand on them and spoil them, the rotten spoilsport, but never mind we just made another one. All the chilblains, hot aches and soggy gloves didn't matter, as long as we had fun.

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Yes, when I was young, the schools stayed open, no free days off back in nineteen hundred and frozen stiff. We used to make fantastic slides in the playground, and when we all went back to class, the caretaker used to come out and put sand on them and spoil them, the rotten spoilsport, but never mind we just made another one. All the chilblains, hot aches and soggy gloves didn't matter, as long as we had fun.


We must have gone to the same school !

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