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Rude customers

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i would like to take the oppourtunity to defend the place i work, it is in manchester by the way, and (apart from this particular occasion) they have always been very good to me. It is an excellent restaurant and is normally great to its employees. I feel the girl who has 'supervising' on the night wasnt sure how to handle such abusive customers and we both did what we thought was best at the time. Also as for looking for another job/quiting, (as a student) i dont really have the time or money to do this!! im just about to do my finals and think adding more stress for looking for a new job would be unwise! thanks for all your good feedback though!!

P.s always ask your waitress/waiter to take service charge off your bill and leave cash, in nearly all restaurants this gratuity goes to managment aswell!!

OK but please don't complain when it happens again.
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It doesn't seem like you had backup from management at any time during this altercation. Where was your manager? Let management deal with stuff like this - that's why they are paid more than you!


The majority of responsible managers will back up staff, and should not expect them to take abuse from customers who are clearly in the wrong. If you don't get this at your workplace, then i'd seriously consider looking for work elsewhere.


Definetly. I am fortunate to work for a landlord who supports us, like when a customer thought he could be extremley verbally abusive and threaten myself my partner and get away with it because the landlord was not there. He even sneered "what you going to do, bar me?".

Which we did and he will never be allowed back in again. Ever.

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  • 8 years later...

My neighbour is a plumber and after giving an estimate to a customer in Fulwood was asked by the customer “ I suppose you are charging me more because I live in Fulwood.? The plumber replied that the price was the same for everyone. It’s funny because the plumber lives in a luxurious house in a good area. Well I mean plumbers and electricians are very well off because of the shortage of qualified tradesmen aren’t they ? :hihi: Just thought it would deflate the customers ego if she could see where the plumber lived !

Edited by pattricia
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My neighbour is a plumber and after giving an estimate to a customer in Fulwood was asked by the customer “ I suppose you are charging me more because I live in Fulwood.? The plumber replied that the price was the same for everyone. It’s funny because the plumber lives in a luxurious house in a good area. Well I mean plumbers and electricians are very well off because of the shortage of qualified tradesmen aren’t they ? :hihi: Just thought it would deflate the customers ego if she could see where the plumber lived !


Good of you to post on a thread which is almost nine years old. Was it simply to tell us you reside in a good area? ( well you're neighbour does ergo so must you)

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This scenario may apply to a situation on the premises but for someone to run off like that is an arrestable offence termed, "Making off without payment" from "section 3 of the theft act 1978" and generally refers to this type of situations where someone has a meal then runs off or takes a taxi ride home and then does a runner. I think this link has more detail on that http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=lhc8l4KTb1cC&pg=PA91&lpg=PA91&dq=amking+off+without+paying+is+arrestable&source=bl&ots=Q3MYCNbJVv&sig=NPEokJjRqscXaHgKEQtnJQ5HSaU&hl=en&ei=gaahSfPzIJDDjAeEsq3DCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=4&ct=result


Yes indeed. I would have thought doing a runner without paying would have been a police matter. If not, then I think it should have been a police matter.

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Good of you to post on a thread which is almost nine years old. Was it simply to tell us you reside in a good area? ( well you're neighbour does ergo so must you)


Is there a time limit to post on a thread ? And no it wasn’t to tell you it was because I live in a good area. It was to remark about a customers ego ! :thumbsup:

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When I worked in a restaurant, the staff had these things taken out of their tips as well, unless it was particularly busy and the manager was feeling overly generous... It's perfectly legal providing you still receive the minimum wage per hour


I don't think this is acceptable though - when I leave a tip it is for the waiting staff, not for the manager to decide what to spend it on.

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My neighbour is a plumber and after giving an estimate to a customer in Fulwood was asked by the customer “ I suppose you are charging me more because I live in Fulwood.? The plumber replied that the price was the same for everyone. It’s funny because the plumber lives in a luxurious house in a good area. Well I mean plumbers and electricians are very well off because of the shortage of qualified tradesmen aren’t they ? :hihi: Just thought it would deflate the customers ego if she could see where the plumber lived !


In past experience i found that its the ones who live in upmarket areas who are the most difficult to get to pay their bill.I had one say i don't carry cash send me a bill.Which is the same as i will ignore it for months until you have mithered me enough and then ill pay.

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In past experience i found that its the ones who live in upmarket areas who are the most difficult to get to pay their bill.I had one say i don't carry cash send me a bill.Which is the same as i will ignore it for months until you have mithered me enough and then ill pay.


Them with loads are the worst payers and the Tightest thats why they have got loads. The Miserable you know whats. :gag:

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