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Does anyone know anything about Reiki?

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Reiki translates from Japanese to mean "Universal Life Energy". It's based on the principle that this life energy (or chi or prana) flows through everything. Illness can be caused by a block of this energy in your body. Reiki helps to unblock these blockages by a Reiki practitioner placing his or her hands on or just above the body of the recipient. The recipient can remain clothed throughout the treatment. The energy is channelled through the practitioner it doesn't come from the practitioner (which is why I prefer to use the word "practitioner" rather than "healer"). There's loads of info about Reiki on the internet if you google it.


As to whether it's any good, well it makes me feel good and I keep being surprised by things that happen when I give or receive a treatment. The first treatment I had was an incredible experience but the second time I went I hardly felt anything. I nearly always feel something now though.


I'm afraid I can't make a recommendation for anyone in Sheffield because I did my Reiki I and II with a lady in Congleton and I've never had a Reiki treatment from anyone in Sheffield. However there's a "Health Show" at Sheffield United on 11th-12th June. See info here. There's stalls and various practitioners who will give a shortened treatment in their chosen therapy. Perhaps you could try one of these Health Shows and chat to a few practitioners and have a taster?

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Originally posted by Olliekitten



I was wondering if anyone knew anything about Reiki.



Hi Olliekit


I've had Reiki a few times, and despite 'believing in it' (or should I say, 'wanting to believe in it'?) I never 'felt' anything. Nothing that couldn't be attributed to the sense of relaxation achievable by lying quietly in a room lit by flickering candles with pleasant scents and soothing music, anyway!


I feel I personally get better value from a hands-on massage rather than a hands-off Reiki session. But hey, that's only my opinion. Do try it for yourself.


I'll probably be checking out the Health Fair (as mentioned above) myself, so I might see you there.


I'll be the one handing over good money for yet another session of Reiki in the hope of finally experiencing that incredible but sadly elusive 'something' that everyone talks about! :D

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Hiya olliekitten

i did my Reiki 1 with a lady called Brenda Diskin, she is absolutly brilliant and a lovely Lady too, i havent got round to doing my Reiki 2 yet and havent seen her for a while but you could PM her for a chat

sacredearth is her forum username.



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I know a very good Reiki master in Sheffield, very lovely person and very good for the soul! He does it from his family home but will do house visits if prefered. He also does trains aswell as practices so useful if you want to get into it yourself. pm me if you would like his details.

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my wife had reiki whilst waiting for surgery on a prolapsed disc.although shortlived the benefits after each"treatment" were remarkable & i'm sure helped keep her sanity whilst suffering.

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Despite my earlier message about Reiki for me being (sadly) no more than a relaxing time, I've been out tonight with a friend (very sceptical) who reported that her thumping headache was lifted in an instant by a Reiki person moving hands over her head......


All I can say is.....it hasn't worked for me, but I await to be converted!! I'm a believer who hasn't had it proved for me.


Which isn't to say I don't believe it can work............so Go FER IT if you're interested.




And please report back!

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  • 7 months later...

I had Reiki early last year and found it very relaxing and calming. I'd been struggling with problems in my personal life and I found that within hours of my Reiki session I had changed my whole outlook. I became much more positive and felt that whatever happened everything would work out for my best interests. I was so impressed that I became attuned to Reiki and am now a practitioner myself. Next month I take my Master degree and will be able to pass on this gift to others. If anyone is interested in receiving a Reiki treatment just pm me. I have a portable couch so I can come to you. Even if you don't feel you have derived any physical benefits from Reiki (in effect you probably will have) you will certainly feel more relaxed.:)

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