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Oak cakes and Pikelets


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i am glad to see you all call them pikelets a lot of people call them crumpets wronk word.


I have always called them pikelets but my oh (from down south) gets really annoyed at me and says their crumpets. I am so glad I found this thread as I was begining to think I had imagined them being called pikelets:)

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I remember when we were kids and the bloke used to come round on his bike with a basket on the front shouting -: ( OAK CAKES AND PICKLETS ) i'm not sure if thats how you spell them, and then there was the other bloke who used to come round on his bike sharpening knives with a grinding wheel on the front and people would come out of there houses with there knives to be sharpened, then there was the walls ice cream man who would walk round the streets with his barrow load of ice cream which he would keep cold with dry ice, if he was around today he would have his barrow took off him.


Hi just joined the Sheffield Forum and lots of memories of good old Sheffield. I too remember the oatcake and pikelet man with his bike and basket shouting out his wares. Remember Mom sending me to buy them ... what lovely memories and we lived on Barrie Drive, Southey.

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Can anyone on here also remember the hot dog man who used to be parked around the Magnet Area at the weekends? The smell of the onions and his hot dogs were absolutely delicious.


Also the old chip shop that was at side of the old Chemist at Southeyin the long row of shops which included the old Butchers which fascinated me because it had a female Butcher. When we were children in the late 50's early 60's we used to collect newspaper and take them to the chippy and the (two old ladies) I think, who used to run it would give us an ha'penny broken fish and some scraps and they were mouth watering!


Also not forgetting collecting the Club tickets for the day out to the coast from Southey Club ...." Have you a spare ticket Mister " and I remember with my friend Sharon going around lots of the working mens clubs and we finished up with a ticket for every day of one week!! It was tiring but being young we relished it. We couldnt go around 'begging' for tickets in this day and age now. I feel so sorry for the youngsters of today ... they don't seem to have the 'natural' everyday fun that we had and took for granted.

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In the terraced streets of Stoke there are Oatcake shops where ,on a Sunday morning you can go to buy fresh oatcakes,plain,or with fillings like bacon,eggs, sausage,cheese etc.I bet nobody in Stoke goes to Subway!

POVEYS Try googling it... Best oatie pyoties in the world... Bacon egg sausage tomali and cheese... oh yum yum yum.. :thumbsup: Used to live in Biddulph so I know all about oatcakes ;)

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