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Grove Cycling Club 1930's Sheffield

echo beach

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My parents used to be members of the Grove Cycling Club in the late 1930's and I have lots of photographs of them in various locations where they had cycled with other club members.

I cannot find any record of the Club's existence or where it was based , although one photo appears to be outside a club house with many cyclists present. Unfortunately I'm unable to put names to most of the faces.

Does anyone have any information about the Club or the people who were members?

Any help would be appreciated.


Below is the group photograph



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  • 3 years later...
My parents used to be members of the Grove Cycling Club in the late 1930's and I have lots of photographs of them in various locations where they had cycled with other club members.

I cannot find any record of the Club's existence or where it was based , although one photo appears to be outside a club house with many cyclists present. Unfortunately I'm unable to put names to most of the faces.

Does anyone have any information about the Club or the people who were members?

Any help would be appreciated.


Below is the group photograph





With a bit of research I've been able to establish the names of two people in the photo.

Walter Blake is stood on the right hand side and is wearing the diamond patterned pullover. His future wife, Alice (nee Booth) is sat on the front row

(the right hand one of the two ladies). Records show that they married at the end of 1932 so the photo was probably taken before that time.

It may be that the Club was named after the area just off Ecclesall Road where there are a number of 'Grove' roads eg Broomgrove, Southgrove, Clarkegrove etc and based there. My father lived on Stalker Lees Road when young and attended Pomona Street School, so that also ties in with the district.

Records from the 'Cycling' magazine dated 6th July 1934 show that the results of the Club's recent '25' were 1st, F.Stork, 2nd, G.Heald, 3rd, H.Morley and the handicap winner was A.Duckett. I'm not sure whether any of these individuals are in the photo but I would imagine some may be.The Club also held a dance at the Glossop Road Baths Ballroom on 18th December that year in conjunction with 'Sheffield E Wheelers'. The organiser was G Heald who lived on Ditchingham Road, Burngreave at the time.

I appreciate that a lot of time has passed since the image was shot but it would be fantastic if anyone else could recognise any relatives/friends on the photo or shed any other light on the Grove Cycling Club.



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