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Hay Fever

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  • 5 years later...
Has any one found an effective remedy for hay fever please,


beclometasone nose spray (beconase or similar generic), or other steroid based nose spray that you could maybe get on prescription will stop your nose running.


there's some new eye washes that are supposed to help too, not tried.


the newer anti-histamines should work too & don't knock you out as much as the older types (from 20+ years ago, banned now i think), but they still make me drowsy.

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I was receiving yearly Kenalog injections for about 5 years which work very well all year long. I suffered no effects at all.

Then it was decided in the UK that due to the potential side effects it could no longer be used to remedy hay fever.

Whilst working in Sarajevo I found I could buy it at the chemist for the equivelant of £3.00!

That was ok for a couple of years til I went to Egypt and bought it from a chemist there, same price.

Fortunately though I seem to have stopped having hay fever and not needed any remedies for about 6 yrs.

Maybe I grew out of it.

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