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Sheffield Tigers Speedway


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Well done on predicting the correct winner and second placed riders mh01, Leigh deserved the win.


Tai really does look better everytime i see him race:cool:

i remember the day he was born. i were mechanicing for the carr brothers when his dad told us his mrs was expecting, who'd have thought he'd have won british under 18 & 21 finals, conference & premier riders championships at 17yrs old eh?
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Did ok tonight at edinburgh, although most came from auty (16).

Although parsons 0 cooper 1 and hawkins 3 was the weak links.

Resrerves got 21 tonight yet still lost. Think when cooper goes to reserve it will make them weaker has he looks quite poor so far this year.

Im not at all convinced with this team, although the racing was excellent last night. Can see the first home defeat next week when the bears come full of sheffield specialists. Id say 43-47.:loopy:

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mh have you got score and scorers please, thanks.
tigers 50 - hall 11+1 ashworth 10 auty 9+1 parsons 7 hawkins 5+1 mills 5+1 cooper 1+1 edinburgh 39 jonasson 12+1 fisher 8 rajkowski 7 tully 6 wethers 3 summers 2+1 stoddart 1 FRIDAY SCORES edinburgh 53 wethers 12+1 fisher 11+1 tully 8+2 rajkowski 8 jonasson 7+1 summers 6+1 stoddart 1+1 TIGERS 39 auty 16 ashworth 8 hall 6 mills 5+1 hawkins 3 cooper 1+1 parsons 0
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although we were close over the 2 legs i must say we raced rather well against last seasons league winners buy i cant help going back to my early season post where i said cooper & parsons had got to get off to a flyer & make a real impact for the team, the fans And more so for themselves. they both really have to get there fingers out of there backsides & stop being complacent. ok parsons had a half decent night thursday scoring 7, but he's been here long enough to know thats not good enough it was poor in my eyes for such an experienced rider round owlerton. Cooper was way off the pace yet again on thursday and failed miserably scoring 3+2 its simply not good enough for 2 experienced riders to be letting the team down. as for the away leg friday night what a shambles the pair of them were the scores are in my previous post atrocious to say the least.if we are to fight for any trophys this year they had better watch there backs cooper & parsons as iv heard the management already have a rider lined up just waiting to get his chance

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although we were close over the 2 legs i must say we raced rather well against last seasons league winners buy i cant help going back to my early season post where i said cooper & parsons had got to get off to a flyer & make a real impact for the team, the fans And more so for themselves. they both really have to get there fingers out of there backsides & stop being complacent. ok parsons had a half decent night thursday scoring 7, but he's been here long enough to know thats not good enough it was poor in my eyes for such an experienced rider round owlerton. Cooper was way off the pace yet again on thursday and failed miserably scoring 3+2 its simply not good enough for 2 experienced riders to be letting the team down. as for the away leg friday night what a shambles the pair of them were the scores are in my previous post atrocious to say the least.if we are to fight for any trophys this year they had better watch there backs cooper & parsons as iv heard the management already have a rider lined up just waiting to get his chance


Thing is cooper scored 3+2 yet most were gifts when they fell off or an ef!. I cant work parsons out, i thought hed have been better tbh but so far hes looked average at the very best. Newcastle sunday where i dont expect much, although cooper did well last year so we will see there. I can still see the 1st home defeat next week with redcar in town, havelock, kessler, stoney, wilson and ty proctor all could be dangerous at owlerton, add in benji compton and it looks a very hard match for a very inconsistent sheffield side currently.

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5th april NEWCATLE 39 branney 9 boxall 9 king 8+1 larsen 7 sneddon 5+1 leverington 1+1 wortman 0 SHEFFIELD TIGERS ashworth 14+1 mills 14+1 auty 6+1 parsons 6+1 hawkins 5 cooper 0 a fine away win & as czechroman said cooper scored 0 yet again i think time is fast running out for cooper even at such a early stage of the season

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Great win tonight for sheffield, 39-50! mills 14. However cooper 0 r r n/s, is poor. Some one says hugh skidmoore looks good could he be in the frame to replace cooper if this rider whos waiting or even andrew moore. :confused:
didnt some1 say a polish lads been practicing after meetings?
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