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Sheffield Tigers Speedway


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i'll eat me words m8! i got the 10-15 point prediction right just to the wrong team! if machin dunt sack 1 or 2 particularly coops & parsons then after what the supporters were saying tonight there gonna lose a hell of a lot of fans. iv spoke to several riders tonight who wernt racing & 2 of them said "good riders will not ride for machin" so whats that telling you? that was the worst meeting ive ever seen in 33yr of speedway, gutless , spineless , characterless, atrocious utter garbage. 2 race wins all night is diabolical!


Did say i thought it would be home defeat, but not as easy as that for bears. Thing is, as i said it is an inconsistant team. Great one minute, awfull the next. One thing i will say, great win at diamonds, however cooper still got 0, and parsons 6 beating once sneddon, other time wortmann!. Now similar tonight, except the reserves didnt bail them out like at newcastle!. Now when coops is at reserves:help:

Also remeber the early 90s, losing quite a lot

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Did say i thought it would be home defeat, but not as easy as that for bears. Thing is, as i said it is an inconsistant team. Great one minute, awfull the next. One thing i will say, great win at diamonds, however cooper still got 0, and parsons 6 beating once sneddon, other time wortmann!. Now similar tonight, except the reserves didnt bail them out like at newcastle!. Now when coops is at reserves:help:

Also remeber the early 90s, losing quite a lot

i said when i started this thread coops & parsons should be in the last chance saloon, if machin doesnt "kick them out" or give them a ultimatum of "spend some decent money on equipment now -youve got 6wks to rescue your season" then were on a certain loser im giving hawkins & mills the benefit of boubt for the moment. it annoys me how many riders turn upto our meetings & wont ride for us or machin wont pay them decent money to ride for us. i know times are hard but machins got to be more flexible with his rider budget, if other smaller teams less well supported than us can afford them, then so can we. just look at the amount of assets weve got who are riding elsewhere it puzzles me & the majority of fans as to why. but as 2 riders said tonight, "good riders wont ride for us while machins in charge"! i dont mind defeat but to lose in that fashion is completely unacceptable
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Well ive not seen a sheffield team at home look so bad. Ok not many teams will come packed with owlerton specialists. However it was almost too easy for redcar tonight. Ironically remember 1 sunday afternoon in 1994 when middlesborugh aka redcar, won 37-56 without a sheffield rider registering a heat winner!, nearly as bad as that:huh:

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Well ive not seen a sheffield team at home look so bad. Ok not many teams will come packed with owlerton specialists. However it was almost too easy for redcar tonight. Ironically remember 1 sunday afternoon in 1994 when middlesborugh aka redcar, won 37-56 without a sheffield rider registering a heat winner!, nearly as bad as that:huh:
i remember it i was mechanicing! iv always got on with machin & been 1 of his biggest supporters but theres no excuse for tonight & it wants sorting now not next week when we know were gonna hammer newcastle & evry1 picks up points as to leave it while after newcastle would only paper over the cracks. we need a character in the team some1 in the stoney,havvy, sean wilson, mode where there not afraid to upset there team-mates. if they need a kick ,give it them. a quiet word give it them etc we havnt got any1 big or strong enough to do it. & as for boocock wheres he? he's anonymous. any other team manager has a walk round the fans now & again & is always at some stage on the centre green when his riders are in action , not boocock! its a shambles at the moment & i cant see it getting any better in the future unless drastic changes are made immediately
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i remember it i was mechanicing! iv always got on with machin & been 1 of his biggest supporters but theres no excuse for tonight & it wants sorting now not next week when we know were gonna hammer newcastle & evry1 picks up points as to leave it while after newcastle would only paper over the cracks. we need a character in the team some1 in the stoney,havvy, sean wilson, mode where there not afraid to upset there team-mates. if they need a kick ,give it them. a quiet word give it them etc we havnt got any1 big or strong enough to do it. & as for boocock wheres he? he's anonymous. any other team manager has a walk round the fans now & again & is always at some stage on the centre green when his riders are in action , not boocock! its a shambles at the moment & i cant see it getting any better in the future unless drastic changes are made immediately



Ive said it many time before, sheffield have not been the same since sean wilson went. They dont have that real captain and leader who scares the opposition. Even my cult here rodeo roman matousek or shawn moran:cool:

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Hed have been ok. Thing is with the team as it is you have to take, 1 minute theyll look great, the next look absolute pants, none more so in the space of 5 days!. Its an interesting side ill give machin that, you never know what there gonna do:hihi:

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Hed have been ok. Thing is with the team as it is you have to take, 1 minute theyll look great, the next look absolute pants, none more so in the space of 5 days!. Its an interesting side ill give machin that, you never know what there gonna do:hihi:
i can see his thinking behind putting a side like this together but i just cant see it working like most supporters.
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i can see his thinking behind putting a side like this together but i just cant see it working like most supporters.


Yeh, i know they re good at sheffield redcar, if theyd have won like i said 43-47, then its pretty close, but a mid 50 home defeat with 2 gold rides needed , is pretty poor.

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problem weve got now though if we are to make early changes who do we bring in? weve let a lot of our assets sign for other teams & other teams are gloating that weve let such decent riders than the 1s weve got, go to other teams. we could always bring in the foxhill flyer at least he's a tryer young burkinshaw. burks' problem is he hasnt the money or the sponsors to back him up, i think if he had he would be a lot better

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