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Traffic Wardens

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Back to the subject of traffic wardens (female).


There is a beautiful lady warden marshalling the traffic at full time outside the South Stand at Hillsborough, she is often the best thing to happen in that local on a Saturday afternoon.


I have often seen her in Broomhill...


Oh my god, I'm fantasising about traffic wardens and its only Monday morning.... Is there a doctor on this forum.

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Originally posted by halevan

Traffic Wardens, who needs them, motorists can decide themselves where to park


I would trust most car drivers to park responsibly but there are a significant number that wouldn't. Enough to make the idea unworkable. I think that without controls on the places and times you can park the city center would grind to a halt.


The safe parking spaces would go first, taken by the people who work in town so the space is likely to be occupied all day. This happens now in the areas of town just on the outside of the controled zones.


By the time people arrive to do some shopping there would be cars lining the dual caridgeways in town, both up the kerb and the central reservation. Why wouldn't they? There is no law to say they can't. This would have effect of reducing the capacity of these roads dramatically. Traffic flow would be slowed significantly.


It would only take a couple of cars to park without leaving enough room to cause a major problem. Witness the problems refuse collection wagons have maneuvering in streets lined with cars.


If you have any rules whatsoever about where people park then you have to have people to enforce those rules. They need the authority to impose fines or people would ignore them.


Sadly, the Traffic Warden is a fact of life.

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