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Advice needed: can my landlady do this to me?

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I heard a story about a shop near manor top, that uses the cellar as a sesspit for the flats above, and if the electric goes off, you have to hop onto a chair and then onto another, to get to the fuse box, as the sewage was too high to walk through.

Apparantly it was never emptied during their stay and towards the end the sewage was overflowing the tops of the chair.

The person that claimed this also claimed to have fell off the chair, in this dark cellar whilst trying to switch the light fuse back on.


Don't know if it is a true story or not, but its a minging notion none the less.

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And ELR might just be your saving grace. Agents are usually paid a fee out of the rent you pay therefore normally have a duty to represent the landlord but usually also the tenant too. Don't deal with the lady - get straight on to ELR in the morning - if you have been a good tenant, the telephone call should go pretty smoothly. I can't understand why the landlady and her daughter are getting involved in rents if they are paying ELR as Letting Agents?:confused: Why pay someone to deal with this aspect and then deal with it yourself? Have I got the wrong end of the stick here? I'm sure ELR will be happy to enlighten you once you've explained. They also have a reputation to keep, as well as your landlady.


I was only signed up for a year through ELR, the landlady asked me to sign a new tenancy agreement after the orginal expired, between herself and me, she said she didn't want the agency involved as she has to pay them and I would have to pay a new admin fee. I trusted her at that time. However, I she still has the agreement and has never given it back to me. ELR are now back on the scene to find new tenants for the house when I move out.

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What is the name of the landlord / landlady you speak of? Not Burgin by any chance is it? Heard a few bad things about one called that...


No, it's a lady who lives in Dore, lives off her husband and has never worked a day in her life. Her attitude and how she was shouting at me stinks. I hope one day her husband treats her the way she has me!

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Great site for advice for tenants and landlords alike.

Please dont think all landlords are the same. We treat our tenants very well and have never had a complaint or a problem.

Good luck with your move.




This landlady has only one house and I am her first tenant, therefore she thinks her was is right. I have rented for 12 years now, must've had 10+ properties in that time and have NEVER experience a landlord/lady going about things in this way. I am not sure she is aware of the laws and the fact she has to give notice to enter the property, as she shouted 'it's not your house, I will do what I like'.....

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i would definately leave a smoked kipper or 6 on top of the central heating boiler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That wouldn't solve a thing and it wouldn't be fair on the next tenants, they will know nothing of how unprofessional and demanding their new landlady will be and they won't be able to get her to investigate the smell and sort it out, they will have signed for 6 months and hate their new home. Not the right thing to do. I'd prefer to throw her down the patio steps lol!

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