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Advice needed: can my landlady do this to me?

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Half the problem is that the landlords dont know what the rules are, when my landlord told us he was selling, he gave 3 months notice but didnt follow the correct procedure, he gave the notice in oct and we were still there last march, we eventually got fed up of waiting for him to write the correct letter (the council would not help us until he had followed the right proceedure as in their eyes it gave them longer to not have to help us) we ended up writing the letter for him and asking him to sign it. Pathetic, the only part of landlording he knew was to intimade and if your up on the rules then even that stops being scarey after a while, cos u just sit back n watch em digger a deeper hole for themselves... loved the gas cert part of my removal from the house, iv never seen such a big man shut tfu so fast... and when i said he was intimindating, i mean he once collard me outside (our) kids school infront of everyone, bending down into my face shouting "do u wanna start summat wi me" amongst many other threatening things, just across from woodseats police station, where i swiftly proceeded to go... If you do ever need the police for these things they will tell you that unless there is violence then its not a job for them, however i demanded that his name be put on their screens and what he had done as he had told me he had the power to walk into any restaurant in england, have a word and have me kicked to <blank>, so i let him know this on his next visit... why he couldnt hear me saying that all he had to do to get us out was write a few words on a piece of paper i dunno.... Cant stand bullyish men me......When i moved in he had left all the boxes to his sexual toys collection in my front garden, it was sickening to see his <blank> cage on my doorstep, hes so horrid, i hate him.

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Thanks or all the advice people, I really appreciate it and sorry people are still having trouble with landlords!!

Plain talker, I love your analogy of wrongs, the Professor Wrong of Wrong University - put a smile of my face!

I will report back to you all on what happens over the weekend!

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wrong, wrong, wrong!!!


In fact, WRONG-ER than Wrong... It could not be wronger if it were Lord Wrong, who had been appointed Professor of Wrong at Wrong University.


Unless it's an emergency, (Gas leak, Fire, Flood etc) your Landlord has NO right of access to your home without notice, which must be at least 24hrs notice.


This law is in place to prevent intimidation and harassment of tenants.


Yes you are obliged to allow the landlord reasonable access, (With notice!) to carry out repairs etc, but the landlord has no right of entry otherwise.


I only manage properties for a living.


In order to conduct urgent repairs such as a leak or gas repair our procedure is to give 72 hours notice. If access is not given, then we have to approach the courts where a judge gives us a temperory eviction/lock change to gain entry. When the tenant pops up again, they are handed the keys and charged for the gain entry.

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I only manage properties for a living.


In order to conduct urgent repairs such as a leak or gas repair our procedure is to give 72 hours notice. If access is not given, then we have to approach the courts where a judge gives us a temperory eviction/lock change to gain entry. When the tenant pops up again, they are handed the keys and charged for the gain entry.


Then, if you manage properties, you need to be au fait with the laws, and compliant with the Landlord And Tenant Act etc:- as I said in my earlier post in this thread, you only have the right of entry without notice to your tenants' properties in the case of an emergency, or as you have said, a warrant is issued by a court giving you permission eg in the case of an eviction being granted.

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