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Riot police at Sheffield Park Academy.

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it has escalated to this because Park academy do not get things sorted. Before taking my kids out of the school we made numerous trips to the school to let the Deputy Head, Inclusions Manager, School Police, and teachers know what was happening in thier school. And in my view because the bullys were never properly punished, the bullying just escalated to new levels, and we not talking about name calling even though that did happen, we are talking internet bullying, physical violence, malicious telephone calling etc etc,and with each new incident the bullys confidence grew because they were not getting punished.


When we has our final meeting with the school to tell them that our children were being taken out of the school, we told the school that cause my children have left school thier problem hasnt disappeared in fact it will increase, as they now have a gang of bullys who have think they have the power to hound people out of the school.


i will bet my last quid that these boys have had trouble at the school and that the school havent sorted it and it has come to this.


On one of our visits we were left sat in the reception area of the school waiting to be seen, about 5 pupils ages ranging from 12-15 were sat waiting outside a interview room to be seen by the head and deputy head, we couldnt believe the disrespect those pupils showed to the head, they were not one bit afraid or bothered and more worrying than that was the heads and deputy heads attitude to these pupils, they allowed these kids to talk to disrespectfully and at one point one pupil just walked away while the head was speaking to him !!!!! This was all done in front of us, now call me old fashioned but surely they should have shown us that they could control these kids !!!!!!


The best decision we ever made was to take our kids away from that school and the bullys that run it.

Edited by Mr Pops
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no matter what name it goes under or how many times they demolish it and re-build it....the school is waltheof....now you've got all the kids off the manor and surrounding area mixing with the kids who travel up from darnall....you are bound to get conflict because the different cultures do not mix.....if an asian lad has a fight with a white boy it may be about anything but it will be labelled racist....in my school days birley would fight frecheville school at the end of every term...its what kids do and have done for the past 50 years....tell me an area in sheffield that does not have rival schools anymore.....

the problem you've got today the schools have lost control...with their liberal idea's.....

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I looked at the article and some posters are obviously reading something else. As I see it 2 children were hurt and this is not the first time. A number of people collected outside the school to protest at the lack of protection their children or children they were related to were getting. If a 100 white people gathered outside a school to complain about lack of action, they would be labled concerned parents. So if you are from an ethnic minority you are not allowed to be concerned? A couple of police vans there to observe in case of trouble does not constitute a riot. No one was hurt or property damaged or arrested in this so called riot. I don't think incidents of bullying are unique to this school. The fact that this is racist is awful but bullying is bullying whatever the race of the child and bullying is physical assault and all parents have the right to voice their concerns if their school is not taking it seriously enough.

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I live on Goore Road Littledale, my wife and 9 year old son and many others had to take refuge in Acres hill school this afternoon as a large group of asian youths took revenge by smashing up cars on Goore road and intimidating young families.


why are the authorities scared of telling truths about asians ?

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I am a parent of a child attending this school,but they will not be tomorrow, I feel that it is just not safe enough.The mobs are just too dangerous and a child's safe walk to school cannot be guaranteed. The duckweeds of this world have no idea of the situation,this is no concerned parents protest,it is incitement to riot.Lets get this situation stopped quickly and not be afraid to say who is wrong and who is right.

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I'm not aware of the full facts and only those at school are. I understand that a number of asian youths were attacked by a number of white youth. This is out of order, however my understanding is that the police have been very quick to act and think arrests were made fairly sharpish. No one knows the reason for the attack, whether it is race or not although i suspect its more gang related rather than race related.


What has happened since is that asian youth has now started causing issues and trying to fight back. However, this time many innocent bystanders (and their property) are also being affected.


My experience in my current job/previos job states that if asians are attacked they come back with a vengeance. To be honest, it's one of the things I like about them in that they stick together and support each other, however fairly often they do not know when to stop and respect nothing.

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I think its good the police are taking this seriously. Racist attacks are all too common these days and the people involved in this once should have the law make an example of them. Maybe then people will understand its not acceptable to beat someone to a pulp just because of the colour of their skin.


Why assume its a racist act. could just be a fight getting out of hand

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