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Riot police at Sheffield Park Academy.

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The following quote from a justifiably concerned parent is taken from today's 'Star'. Given the present condition of the 'senior member of staff', he or she is hardly a reassuring presence in the circumstances.


"The most dangerous area is the subway under Prince of Wales Road - three of my daughter's friends were chased under there by youths with crowbars," she said.


"I went into the academy to see what was being done and I was advised by a senior member of staff with a black eye that the best thing to do was to bring my daughter to and from school".

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I think your missing some of the point. It was Asian lads this time but its often the other way round. It is this divsion between groups that is the problem. BOTH sides need to be dealt with. It may be racisit but its not just white against black its also black against white. Unfortunately this is an uncomfortable fact that you don't hear the muslim "community leaders" talking about.


If you only deal with the white on black issue then all you do is fuel the idea that there is an inequality in the way people are treated, thus fueling more violence.


I agree, i think this race issue is and has been fuelled, there is inequality in british society on all sides regarding race, and I agree the muslim community leaders dont feel comfortable with the fact that discrimnination and inequality is not just happening to the asian and black communities its is effecting the white community as well.


I feel that the more it is delt with as an issue as a whole rather than an issue within individual communities it may not happen in schools.

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This is a carbon copy of what my girls went through,i feel for you .

iI do hope your daughter is now getting along better at her new school.


My friends daughter was being bullied by an asian boy, he was terrible to her, she had to sell her house and move areas to move schools. Her daughter is the same getting on much better at school. x

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i feel very disappointed in this kind of behavior. i hope who ever has done these to the poor boys get a long life in jail :). this could be linked with gangs or something. i think people at park accadamy should stay @ home until the area is safe.If anybody know any information i think you should pass the information to the police. you may think its little but trust me it may be important!

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Theres been race problems at this school for as long as i can remember, years ago the Asian kids finished school 10 minutes before everyone else to avoid clashes and fighting.


This is shocking !!!


So why has this not been delt with along time ago ? what things have the school done to stop this etc

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my son knows one of the lads who was beaten to a pulp, who was an innocent party. two gangs squared up to each other, when the asian gang ran off the white lads took it out on shuman (who was walking home) this could have been your son or daughter, racists are cowards (black white pink brown or green) things are getting silly again, if this kind of thing dosen't stop the BNP will be in power soon. As for the kids who have done this I blame their parents, but I suppose there are asian parents who are just as ignorant. peace, there is no god so get off your knees

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you reap what you sow and this just goes to show what you get for welcoming multiculturalism (oh dear does that make me islamophobic) bring in the BNP...up Enoch Powell :thumbsup: watch this post go down quicker that abby titmusses knickers as it all you do gooders fault...i hope the country erupts into civil war:thumbsup:

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if it was the other way round - group of skinheads on Moslem estates - boy would the police be made to go there IN FORCE

:hihi: romper stomper springs to mind,saying that,there wernt as many asian related incidents in those days but no doubt some one will say the opposite,ive just got back from northern general hospital and there seemed to be a few more police cars driving around the local area than i normally notice

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