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Sheffield Genealogy, Family & Social History finding the info

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I'm sorry but this is utter nonsense on both accounts. The original site was not hijacked but a copy made when one of the original founders got a bit power crazed and shut it down.


Secondly, it works just great, has many more records than the other site you are clearly working for and many more users too.


If you're going to post defamatory material at least get your facts straight in future.




My name is Elaine Pickard. I am the Site Admin of the "Sheffield Indexers"

This forum is NOT the place to discuss the relative merits of my site & the other one.

If anyone wishes to know the history of my site feel free to contact me....



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I have a distant relation called Mary Denton b1805 (Ecclesfield) who married my ggg grandfather John Burkinshaw. Each generation since has had Denton as a christian name, my Dad for one. My mum decided that my brother wouldn't suit being a Denton so she called him Neil Denton Burkinshaw. By doing this broke the family tradition Hope this is useful in some way. Cheers

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  • 2 weeks later...


My surname is KAY,who are you looking for?



Hi Floridablade, My husbands maternal family name was Kay from around the Ecclesall Rd. area and Heeley. Do you have any names ?. I have the record of a 1872 marriage and a 1896 marriage etc.

Cheers, Cynthia, Ontario, Canada.

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  • 2 years later...

I have recently been using the Free Yasni Search website and have found a few items on there that were useful in my search for 'lost' rellies.


The latest was an old peoples home site which not only gave details of my ancestor but a photograph also, which was excellent.


If anybody wants to use the site it is at http://www.yasni.co.uk


I must warn users that it does give out loads of stuff and you have to be prepared to wade through a load of stuff not relevant but if you are keen and willing to persevere the results can be excellent, bear in mind it is free.


Good Hunting!



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