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FREE Travel on First Buses for 7 days


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completely stupid wife qualified and i didnt so you spend thousands in a lifetime to first and get nothing in return disgraceful



Does your wife live with you, because it states one per household. And it's not nice calling her completely stupid.:hihi:


Oh, and I didn't qualify

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Dont currently use bus

HAVE consided using bus

3-4 times into city centre

0-10 mins how often they run

Age 25 -34

3ppl in house

method to work was OWN CAR

Cars in household was 1


I copied that and still failed, definately a random thing GRRRRR!

Could have saved me £12!

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Does your wife live with you, because it states one per household. And it's not nice calling her completely stupid.:hihi:


Oh, and I didn't qualify


i think he meant "completely stupid, wife qualified and I didn't..."


got to love those commas!


anyway, i lied my arse off and i qualified =) just hope they dont put age band on the voucher

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I've just qualified by making up some complete tosh about driving to work every day, never using the bus, only going into town once a month and being in the 44-57 age band.


Unfortunately as I was only messing about I gave a very silly name; I do hope this isn't printed on the free pass they're sending out.:P

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