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Phobia of Collarbones!

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Ok, so I have had the exact same fear since I was a toddler (according to my mum- she wasn’t even able to lift me under my arms because I would squeal about them). To this very day.... I can’t wear necklaces that are near them, nobody can touch them, I can’t touch them. I can’t even look at someone if they go to run their neck because it’s too close to their collar bones.  I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE!!!! I’m not sure if their is a name for the phobia, but im

right here with ya! .... I also hate belly buttons, but I can deal with them. 

Everyone has something that makes them uncomfortable, ours just happens to be something like that people admire for some reason. Also, I hate when people think it’s cute for them to attempt to touch them. This is not for attention- I WILL KARATE CHOP YOU if you even try. 






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I have the same problem but I don't know that if I can call it a phobia.I also feel uncomfortable when my collar bone is touched by my clothes, most of the time I keep holding my cloth away from collar bone or wear something that doesn't touches my collar bone and seeing someone's collar bone getting touched by it gives me goosebumps as I am writing this just remembering such stuff about collar bone is giving me goosebumps. I thought I was just making my mind think it was weird and if I ignore it it'll not bother me but that didn't help.

I can relate with you.

Edited by Ritz
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Maybe it's because most of the bones of the body are rarely visible, the collarbone is the exception. It's prominent and visually 3 dimensional to the point where you can physically get hold of it, and it feels like a bone. Does it perhaps remind people of skeletons and death? 

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When my daughter was about 3 asking questions about bones she was terrified to find out we all had a skeleton inside. She also asked grandma "what are the lines in your legs?". Reply "veins". She was terrified to think her gran had "brains" in her legs.

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