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The things we got upto


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Did'nt we have some fun in the forties & fifties when we were kids, I remember me and my pals tieing two doors together with some rope and then knocking on both doors and watching both nieghbours pulling at each others doors, then we would get some fishing line and tie it round a drawing pin and a button about 12 inches away then press the drawing pin into somebodies wooden window frame across the other side of the street and then slacken line so button would tap on window and when they looked through pull the line tight so they could'nt see the button, cat creeping along the walls and toilet roofs when it was going dusk only to get chased by some angry bloke, we made our own fun and have some wonderfull memories.

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We'd play knock and run and when the "victim" came to the door we'd pelt them with eggs my mate had nicked from his mother's pantry.


Sometimes we'd create a "bullroar" by lighting a fire under the drainpipes at the local chapel, then watch them all run out to see what all the noise was. Sweet, innocent, childhood memories eh?

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