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Dole cheat single mum given 100 years to pay back £70,000 in stolen benefit

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Typical wishy washy bleeding liberal nonsense! :loopy::rant:

People with no hands can still claim benefits and would probably claim they were disabled as well. Whereas when was the last time you heard of a dead person going into the jobcentre to sign on?


Dead right.


Sell 'em for transplant surgery.

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Don't be daft, she'd never pay back a penny if she was dead!


Cut her hands off, that's what I say!


But then she'd never be able to sign for her payments.

I think the punishment is far too harsh, she should have been given at least 101 years to pay it, because people are living longer these days.


Why can't they do the same thing with mortgages in court.

If you owe the bank for a mortgage and can't afford it, do what they do with the credit cards and have the interests cut, and now that the banks are owned by the government, you should be allowed 100 years to pay them back on £70,000.

Anyone got doubts thats she's allowed to keep the council house, and possibly hand it over to her children for life, whilst others have to sell theirs because of the inheritance tax.

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This is a bad case of fraud, no doubt, but I dont have much regard for the DWP and the benefit system. I have been off work 10 months after cancer surgery- I now recieve £60-50 per week 'Employment Support Allowance'.

I am almost 60 years old and will be expected to attend interviews with employment advisors with a view to 'getting me back to work'.

Whats the point? Havent I been through enough? Surely there are enough young fit people out there who could do with some help to find work.

My last visit to the DWP entailed a medical examination and an assessment of what type of work I would be fit for.

What a joke!!! My GP tells me to stop being daft when I mention returning to work. Instead of bothering genuinely sick people the DWP guys should be out there catching fraudsters like our aforementioned 'dole cheat'.


Why am I so cynical????


If your are likely to live to be late 80s, is it not fair you work up until your 70-75.

In my family I have seen a person retire at 60 and die at 66, and another retire at 60 also, but they are still going strong at 86.

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most prisons should be closed down,its only about 20% that are real nutters who need to be there..the rest should be turned into slaves,.. and made to work off thier sentences in factories[ like china]and paying back compensation to thier victims

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