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Could it become illegal to criticise religion, and Islam in particular?

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There is an answer, and that is for all atheists to stop criticising Christianity and then I won't need to respond.


I am not saying it should be illegal to criticise religion but I do think there should be a requirement to get your facts right and produce the source material.


I'll reply to this post because your last one is a repeat of so many rebuttals to my claim that there is doubt as to the existence of Jesus. Once again, you reply to my claim that there are no eyewitness accounts of Jesus by citing multiple sources who weren't born at the time of the alleged crucifixion. When will you accept the fact that these are not eyewitnesses?


Your continual citing of Josephus puts you in direct conflict with most Christians who accept the Testomonium Flavium for what it is, a fourth century Christian interpolation. The only websites I can find that still claim Josephus as testimony of the existence of Jesus are run by right wing American Christian evangelical lunatics.


And Pop songs do not constitute evidence, apart from evidence of delusion on the part of atheists who really do need to keep a clear head.


Evidence of what?

What are you talking about?



I am a Christian. Get used to it.


I couldn't care less what religion you follow.


And remember John, I will not be bullied or belittled and don't you forget it.



I am neither bullying nor belittling you, merely pointing out that many of your so-called facts are actually hearsay and wishful thinking by you and your fellow bible worshippers.

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We have no absolute proof as to the existence of Mohamed or indeed Socrates,rather like Jesus really. However, as Socrates never claimed to be a prophet of God, I'm rather more inclined to believe in Socrates.


At least Socrates could write and accredited his works to himself, unlike Jesus who left it to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John..........none of whom could even get the story right.


And as for proof of the existence of any God whatsoever, I'm still waiting.


I may be about to embarrass myself, but i thought there were no direct writings attributable to Socrates, only stories about his teachings and trial recorded by Plato et al. I'm a bit rusty on all this; i'll try to post a few references when i get the chance.

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I'll reply to this post because your last one is a repeat of so many rebuttals to my claim that there is doubt as to the existence of Jesus. Once again, you reply to my claim that there are no eyewitness accounts of Jesus by citing multiple sources who weren't born at the time of the alleged crucifixion. When will you accept the fact that these are not eyewitnesses?

Your continual citing of Josephus puts you in direct conflict with most Christians who accept the Testomonium Flavium for what it is, a fourth century Christian interpolation. The only websites I can find that still claim Josephus as testimony of the existence of Jesus are run by right wing American Christian evangelical lunatics....


Well said, by the way. Also, as i recall, Tacitus was referring to the emerging cult of xtianity, rather than the person of JC.

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At least Socrates could write and accredited his works to himself, unlike Jesus who left it to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John..........none of whom could even get the story right.


No he didn't. He didn't write anything down. Almost all of what we know of Socrates comes from the writings of Plato and there are those who believe that Socrates was just a mouthpiece the Plato used to get his ideas across.

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We have no absolute proof as to the existence of Mohamed or indeed Socrates,rather like Jesus really. However, as Socrates never claimed to be a prophet of God, I'm rather more inclined to believe in Socrates.


At least Socrates could write and accredited his works to himself, unlike Jesus who left it to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John..........none of whom could even get the story right.


And as for proof of the existence of any God whatsoever, I'm still waiting.


Many times Jesus is spoken of as a teacher so presumably he had received an education. We know he often read from the scroll in the temple and we know that when he was twelve years old he was in the temple courts in Jerusalem sitting among the teachers, listening to them, asking them questions and everyone who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.


Later he went to Nazareth where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. And he stood up to read. The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written:


"The Spirit of the Lord is on me,

because he has anointed me

to preach good news to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners

and recovery of sight for the blind,

to release the oppressed,

to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."


Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him, and he began by saying to them, "Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing."


Jesus was the promised Messiah and here he was proclaiming it to everyone in the synagogue. His entire life was a witness to the power of God and here we are talking about him 2000 years later. I believe in God and whether you believe in him or not is your privilege.


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I'll reply to this post because your last one is a repeat of so many rebuttals to my claim that there is doubt as to the existence of Jesus. Once again, you reply to my claim that there are no eyewitness accounts of Jesus by citing multiple sources who weren't born at the time of the alleged crucifixion. When will you accept the fact that these are not eyewitnesses?


Your continual citing of Josephus puts you in direct conflict with most Christians who accept the Testomonium Flavium for what it is, a fourth century Christian interpolation. The only websites I can find that still claim Josephus as testimony of the existence of Jesus are run by right wing American Christian evangelical lunatics.


Evidence of what?

What are you talking about?


I couldn't care less what religion you follow.


I am neither bullying nor belittling you, merely pointing out that many of your so-called facts are actually hearsay and wishful thinking by you and your fellow bible worshippers.


I am tired of you John.

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Jesus was the promised Messiah and here he was proclaiming it to everyone in the synagogue. His entire life was a witness to the power of God and here we are talking about him 2000 years later. I believe in God and whether you believe in him or not is your privilege.



Here we have the nub of the issue Grahame. We are all entitled to our beliefs. However, belief alone does not make a proposition any more or less true. Only evidence can do that. So far, the last 2000+ years have produced none to prove the existence of a god, of any description.

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Many times Jesus is spoken of as a teacher so presumably he had received an education. We know he often read from the scroll in the temple and we know that when he was twelve years old he was in the temple courts in Jerusalem sitting among the teachers, listening to them, asking them questions and everyone who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers. .


How do we know this exactly?

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Later he went to Nazareth where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. And he stood up to read. The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written: .


Archeological digs have failed to find any evidence of the existence of Nazareth in the first century so Jesus must have been brought up in a non-existent town.

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