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Could it become illegal to criticise religion, and Islam in particular?

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You obviously haven't read the previous posts.


I am trying to think what the opposite of sensitive is and all I can think of is someone who is an insensitive, loud mouthed, opinionated, bully. :D


I know a few of those. :mad:


Again I can only say either stay away from threads on religion or if you must participate ignore those who abuse you

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They banned the film in places all over Britain and it had a lot of negative vibes from the Christians. They were under the impression it was about Christ :D


One ban only got lifted recently I think, after all tho's years !



The life of Brian is one of the best films ever made,

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Again I can only say either stay away from threads on religion or if you must open them ignore those who abuse you


I was thinking more about life in general as regards free speech, so you think it is all right to go throwing your weight around?

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They banned the film in places all over Britain and it had a lot of negative vibes from the Christians. They were under the impression it was about Christ :D


One ban only got lifted recently I think, after all tho's years !


I thought they were taking the mickey and using the alias Brian to get round the censors?

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The world has gone to pot if they have to protect Islam with a UN proclamation of this sort.


Wouldn't it be easier to just ban the lot and have done with it ? Then let us make cartoons until they are coming out of our ears and ridicule the lot ?


Maybe the UN should concentrate on up holding free speech and if not the members should get real jobs.

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I was thinking more about life in general as regards free speech, so you think it is all right to go throwing your weight around?


Life's tough mate. Weren't you ever bullied at school? You had the choice then of fighting back verbally or physically or reporting it to teacher


In the case of a dscussion forum you have the choice of arguing back, just walking away from it or reporting it to the Mods


Not being of a sensitive nature myself I might be having a problem understanding your point of view though

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