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Could it become illegal to criticise religion, and Islam in particular?

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you don't believe the governments, you don't believe the un, you don't believe in santa claus and aliens don't seem very likely to you, on top of that you accept that unicorns, fairies and goblins as well as dragons do not exist...yet some dude can walk on water, heal the sick and all that crap?.....religion in all it's forms is merely another form of control over the livestock which the ruling class call society.


Im happy to continue watching society slowly realize that it's being controlled by "unforseen events"...i can look all around me and show you proof that society is falling apart.......i can walk you to it's location and show it you in the flesh...no religion can present me solid evidence of a god.


Have you all also lost the very meaning of being an individual?.....if you do end up being judged by god...it's not the group your with that will be judged, its YOU......you alone will be judged for your actions not those of others, so as long as everyone lives by the core principles set forth in the bible god should be happy......his name just got lost in a game of chinese whispers and he hasnt exactly shown up to correct it has he?.


Grow up children.....accept your responsibilities, stop blaming things on human error and better yourselves, rise above the bickering and live by the same principles....after all if you work together god isnt going to have to work so hard to sort the mess out....and you want to keep the landlord happy right :).

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In a word... no.


Any fascist, intolerant, oppressive movement could dress itself up as a religion and seek exemption from criticism in order to grow unchallenged... just like Islam! :D:P



Islam isn't "fascist, intolerant, oppressive movement", Islam is totallu different than what you see on your tv screens, people like you are the ones who bring our society down. Your backwards, brainwashed and ignorant mentality benefits no one.

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I can't enlighten you because you've already decided not to listen to me and I predict you want to have a pointless long and time-wasting argument. So enlighten yourself.


I guess your children are not indoctinated and are provided with enough information to enable them to make an informed choice about religion?

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I guess your children are not indoctinated and are provided with enough information to enable them to make an informed choice about religion?


They will be when I have chidren. They will be taught about all spiritual faiths. And even about atheism.

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What will you teach them about apostasy?


I will tell them that we live in a secular state, with a man made law (which we have to religously respect), where apostates are not our responsibilty. They can be, and should be conselled. Hahaha, here we go. I can see you coming from a mile off. Let's have it all out at once, I haven't got time for your sort.

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