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What do you all want from a night out?


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A want a good atmosphere in a relaxed venue. Not full of meatheads. Not rammed full so you cannot move. I want something different. not identikit chain bars and dirty soulless clubs playing dreadful music.


I want to hear music played at a level that isn't too high or low. I don't want to have to shout of music in bars/pubs. I want there to be a good mix (its not hard to make a good mix cd is it now?)


West Street is dreadful. Division street is a bit better.


Prices aren't really an issue. I'd like to see more variety on tap and of bottles.


Ya big grump :P

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When myself and Mrs Pie(she's gonna LOVE that) venture outwith the confines of Broomhill, we like to go to The Old House, The Green Room, Bungalows and Bears, The Washington and The Devonshire Cat. Occassionally its to The Forum, The Frog and Parrot or a wee trip along Trippet Lane to The Grapes or The D&P.

Enough choice to keep us Pies happy.


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