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Bridport Rd Darnall 1940-1950

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I remember bridport road I used to go with a girl from there I was from Attercliffe she was called judy or Julie rimmington her friend was a blond girl called Julie.i think she lived near the off licence .also does anyone remember Ronnie guy they lived at the bottom of bridport road .his mam and dad were deaf.:D

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  • 7 months later...
I remember bridport road I used to go with a girl from there I was from Attercliffe she was called judy or Julie rimmington her friend was a blond girl called Julie.i think she lived near the off licence .also does anyone remember Ronnie guy they lived at the bottom of bridport road .his mam and dad were deaf.:D


I lived on bridport near Ronnie I think. Did he have a brother named george

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I worked in a steel melting shop with Malcolm Timms, he lived close to the top of Bridport, his dad worked there as a crane driver and he drove the most exquisite Vauxhall Cresta,

if I remember correctly his name was Bill


Car similar to this.https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=vauxhall+cresta&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=cj&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&channel=sb&tbm=isch&imgil=GGGWADqhy1h-mM%253A%253BnR9LVwvQ7Ekw0M%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fslatford.co.uk%25252FCar%2525252520Pictures%2525252520Pages%25252FVauxhall.htm&source=iu&pf=m&fir=GGGWADqhy1h-mM%253A%252CnR9LVwvQ7Ekw0M%252C_&usg=__ze__IpI8Pv1d4jeJzd5-hiNU2yY%3D&biw=1920&bih=942&ved=0CCwQyjc&ei=hZJ8VLKXNqqV7AbXyoGwDg#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=-FWK2TH5QJUC4M%253A%3BtMQvi48gF2MCDM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fupload.wikimedia.org%252Fwikipedia%252Fcommons%252F9%252F9e%252FCresta.1962.750pix.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fde.wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FVauxhall_Cresta%3B750%3B528

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To David Beresford. Have you a sister, called Betty? Did you go to Darnall Baptist Sunday school? Mary and Margaret Slack did. They lived on Bridport Road, I think. The May family had the shop, by the open yard, opposite the 'tip'. Mrs Nutt ran the other shop, the off- licence, with her daughter, Edna. Betsy Dyatt is a name I recall too. A small, attractive, dark- haired girl. Old memories which still strike a chord.

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Hi David. So sorry to hear of your sister's untimely demise.

I lived on Thornville Road, just off Whixley Road. My elder sister was a Sunday school teacher and cub-mistress. (Baghera, I think.)

I never joined the uniformed lot but attended Darnall Baptist church until I was twelve years old.

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