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The Harley

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Anyone been to The Harley recently, on Glossop Road? I hear its smartened up its act music-wise since they have a new member of staff in charge of booking acts who's really passionate about promoting talented DJ's in Sheffield and he's packed every night of the week with amazing music. Can anyone confirm this? I'm off down to see for myself on Thursday eve - hiphop, soul, funk... sounds yum yum yum...

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Its pretty average really, not too keen on the nights they put on and the clientele is a mix between students and chavdom. I wouldnt bother..


i would disagree with that statement for the wall of balls nights.


definitely neither studenty nor chavvy.




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I just dont like the place, the owners a complete **** therefore I shall not be spending my hard earned pennies in his establishment.


thats fair enough....but it was a rather sweeping generalisation you made in your last post about the place.


wall of balls is the best night in Sheffield, in my opinion


i concur! :thumbsup::D




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