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Does Anyone Know Shirley Drewitt?

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I know this is an incredible longshot.. but nothing tried nothing gained.


I moved back to Sheffield a few years ago and I'm trying to contact an old friend. Her name is Shirley Drewitt.


She was a friend of my mother, mostly, but she took a great shine to me and treated me like her own daughter. Paying for a holiday in Scotland and I remember following her around like a lost cat.


Here's what I remember, if it's any use.


She was a carpenter/joiner.

I think she had a friend called Sally (possible surname Hughes?)

She built a house (who with?) in sheffield somewhere.

There is a possibility she moved to Milton Keynes, but I hope not!

She had a dog called Tess.


Please if anyone knows of her who can help I'd be chuffed to bits.


This lady means a lot to me as she shaped a lot of my childhood.


Thank you in advance, hopefully x

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