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Songs my dad used to sing:Days of the Week, Lily the Pink, etc

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My dad used to sing a song about days of the week. It started "Monday is washing day, Tuesday is soup" and ended "Saturday is pay day". Does anyone remember the other bits?


My nan used to sing this to us & I now sing it to my 5 year old grandaughter. She loves it, especially soouuuuuup & does all the actions. Sunday is sung very slowly/softly whilst putting your palms together as though praying. Sunday we go to Church, is everybody happy, ya bet ya life we are ................

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The joy and the memories we get out of songs and tunes is unbelievable and universal.

We've songs for all occasions, ceremonial, Religious, teaching, and all the moods you care to mention..

What would life be like with out music and I wonder how big apart it played in mans evolution....

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me nan use to sing "the old wooden cross" she's been upstairs 17yr now but i can still hear that song ringing in me ears, i cant remember what me dad use to sing


My dad got chucked outta the Sunday School near Joe Emmens garage for singing 'Roll out the Barrell' :hihi:

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My dad got chucked outta the Sunday School near Joe Emmens garage for singing 'Roll out the Barrell' :hihi:
i got kicked out of my lessons 4 singin i am a cider drinker & sex & drugs & rock & roll- never liked religous education anyway!:hihi:
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It's funny how we seem to relate certain songs with certain people, What song, or artist would you like to think reminds people of you ,
probably the sex pistols anarchy lol or franks i did it my way cos i hate authority & please myself most of the time:hihi:
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My dad used to sing a song about days of the week. It started "Monday is washing day, Tuesday is soup" and ended "Saturday is pay day". Does anyone remember the other bits?


You had a Dad that was sober :confused:

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I've been told Queen music reminds them of me, which on one level I like, but on another worries me a little.....:rolleyes:
so i take it you like wearing make up & a pinny & dancing with a hoover! each to there own i suppose:hihi::gag::gag::hihi:
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