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Help! All my friends have moved!


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I just want to have a social like outside of clubs / drinking and want to meet new people!


Yeah that stuff gets so boring in the end doesn't it. I don't even really like drinking anymore but still seem to end up doing it as it's everyone's default activity.


I went to visit a friend in Leeds the weekend before last, she persuaded me to go out and because she got cheap drinks in the club whe works at was insisting I drank all night long after I'd had enough. Took me a lot of years to realise when having enough was but I recognise it a lot now.

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I think we should.


I know what you mean about drinking being a "default" activity, and its never just one or two, like a social drink, which is what I like, its shots after vodka etc etc and it just ends badly.


I think some people are just too lazy or uninspired to find other things to do! There's loads in Sheffield, we should be taking full advantage of it! x

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I'm also in a similar situation. I have looked at the forum meets and would love to attend one, it's just the thought of walking into a strange place and not knowing anyone there that is a bit off putting. I decided I would be brave and attend the next one so if anyone else would like to meet me outside the venue so we could enter the lions den together then I would much appreciate it.

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Hi Ellie,


I know exactly how you feel. I've lived in Sheffield a while after staying on after uni, but most of my friends have moved on, mostly to London, I can't imagine why! However I have managed to make new ones and I think the old ones might come back after a while when they've done the London thing!

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Here's another one with the same situation..! I have just come out of a long distance relationship and have realised how little else I did... :/


I know how you feel, I didn't do much else outside of my relationship either or see anyone else. It wasn't long distance though, I moved up here especially so it wouldn't be and have ended up staying.


I'd go for a more smaller meet though it's handy if people are into the same things as you are. I'm 28, kind of look like a cross between a goth and a hippy depending on what I'm wearing, I go to the cinema whenever I can, I'm pretty geeky, like video games, cult tv, not as into music as most seem to be but kinda into some industrial/metal at the mo. Gonna also get back into poi/staff spinning and join the group at the uni. I'm planning on going back to uni as a mature student, would like to study maths and stay in education forever, studying, research, lecturing, etc.


I'm also pretty honest these days about suffering sometimes crippling anxiety which is why I can't do the large meets people set up. I need to work up to that. I'm not at all a bag of nerves in person though, people think I'm incredibly relaxed! :rolleyes: Tho I do have the telltale signs of constant leg tapping.

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I'm also in a similar situation. I have looked at the forum meets and would love to attend one, it's just the thought of walking into a strange place and not knowing anyone there that is a bit off putting. I decided I would be brave and attend the next one so if anyone else would like to meet me outside the venue so we could enter the lions den together then I would much appreciate it.


hi i would be up for that. i recently came out of a relationship after 3 years together and realised how i didnt really do much unless it was with my ex! i do have friends but they do a lot of stuff with their blokes so would be nice to meet new people.

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hi im in the same situation really, except i moved from nottinghamshire to sheffield to live with my bf. i love it here in sheffield but feel a real loser because i havent got any friends! i dont get out much so i dont meet new people really. id love to make some friends, even if it is by meeting them online. if you or anyone else fancies a chat sometime let me know? :) oh im 23 female s13 area if that helps.

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