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Anyone Grow Up In Oughtibridge ?

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Not sure to be honest. I can totally picture what the guy looks like but never knew his name. I always thought he was the stand-in if Ron or Dave were not working.


It was a great park though, I won no end of goldfish at the Village Galas lol


he was the sunday parkie -only did sundays ,and he smoked those thin cigars , he was in his 60`s then ,might be dead now

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I don't think he's the same guy, because he'd be in his 60s now, he used to drive a 3 wheeled car in early 70s I have a picture of him from 1974 if I can find it. I guess it's not important I guess you were just reminiscing. We used to take our kids to Oughtibridge for walks in the early seventies, we used to walk down the ravines to the streams, lovely memories.

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