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27th Wedding Anniversary spoiled by rude staff at Yankies, Eccy rd


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Been to Yankies on eccy rd tonight to celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary. 5 of us were shown to a table for six by the door, at the side of a table for four (separated by a gap of approx 2 inches!!!)

Because of a draught we moved up, using the table for 4 and 2 of the table for 6.....A DEFO NO NO!!!!! We were TOLD to move back as we were TAKING UP 2 TABLES???? We asked if we could stay where we were cos of the draught... TOLD NO... THE CHEF SAID MOVE!!!! We did, straight out the door. :rant:What happened to the motto.. THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT??? Have they heard theres a credit crunch???? :loopy:Went straight to UNCLE SAMS. The staff there were fab, friendly, helpful, food was to die for, AND CHEEPER! Will be writing to management at Yankies, they need to be more carefull who they employ,as the staff are arrogant, rude and need some manners.

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I agree the staff at Yankies are bossy and have a bad attitude. This was not always the case, I was a regular customer until recently but the way the staff treat their customers has put me off from going as it makes for a bad atmosphere in the restaurant.

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Been to Yankies on eccy rd tonight to celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary. 5 of us were shown to a table for six by the door, at the side of a table for four (separated by a gap of approx 2 inches!!!)

Because of a draught we moved up, using the table for 4 and 2 of the table for 6.....A DEFO NO NO!!!!! We were TOLD to move back as we were TAKING UP 2 TABLES???? We asked if we could stay where we were cos of the draught... TOLD NO... THE CHEF SAID MOVE!!!! We did, straight out the door. :rant:What happened to the motto.. THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT??? Have they heard theres a credit crunch???? :loopy:Went straight to UNCLE SAMS. The staff there were fab, friendly, helpful, food was to die for, AND CHEEPER! Will be writing to management at Yankies, they need to be more carefull who they employ,as the staff are arrogant, rude and need some manners.


The politest thing to do was to ask if you could move. They still may have refused, but then at least you would have had a genuine greivance.



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Thought we did have a genuine greivance, you dont expect to be spoken to rudely in public and then be have to pay for that service! The place wasnt even full (no wonder) and most establishments are happy for their customers to sit where they feel comfortable, therefore they will recommend the place and return at a later date, no chance in this circumstance. I feel sorry for the owner whos staff are getting his business a bad name.

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I agree, you dont expect or want to be spoken to rudely, but if you had asked, rather than just done it, it may have been different. If you had been unhappy with the original seating arrangement, then why didn't you say so?



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Didnt realise it would create such a problem as it was only a matter of moving up 2 seats to get out of the draught. That still doesnt excuse the waitresses attitude and why should we pay to sit in a draught. We have our own business and bend over backwards for all our customers and there needs.

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Me too, so you will also understand then that although the customer thinks that they are always right, sometimes they are not :wink:


Anyway, like you said it doesn't excuse bad manners. If it was me though, again, being on the 'business' side of things, I would have asked. If they had refused, then I would have probably donr the same and left.


Congratulations BTW on your wedding anniversary!



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Yes I dont think you should be jumping and sliding all over the restaurant like that - you should have sat where you were told to and asked before you ventured to move - its a bit like saying you don't like the cutlery laid on your table and getting up and manhandling/swapping the cutlery from other tables and then sitting back down again .. its only what naughty children do :-( I'm sure the draught wasn't all that bad and anyway it would have helped to cool down your over-excited friends and ensure that your food got cooler quicker enough for you to eat - that is the whole idea why restaurants provide draughts in the first place after all ... and only the coolest ones do it so think yourself lucky.

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What`s wrong Carborundum, you have taken this tread to heart. Its it your burger bar or are you staff?

p.s they probably do find themself lucky, god only knows what the chef may have done once you have complained.

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