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Any of you ex pats now in America or Canada?


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There are on this forum a number of people who continuously put down America for whatever reason, even against native born Americans who grace us with their presence. As a Sheffielder I feel ashamed about it at times. If I read comments from fellow Sheffielders about some of the stuff happening in Sheffield today, I can only comment on it negatively. That is not putting down my native town. If I comment, as I have done, about the beauty of Connecticut, that is not a negative connotation about Derbyshire. You have made enough badmouth about New England that you ought to go home. We do not need negativity right now.


Buck, I have never been to the states but often meet Americans during my travels in Europe. They are generally very focused on their trip, and are usually very polite and interested in where they are and what they are doing. I have no problems with our Colonial cousins. :thumbsup:

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I have found that any negative feeling toward Americans is brought on mainly from the movies which for most people is their main contact a good example is the latest buster "Avatar"for most folk they where glad to see the Aliens put it to the evil yanks,I mean when one is rooting for the Aliens ,someone did ask me if corrie st was true to life in the u.k i had to say no more like East Enders. Oh i am evil

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Also as a second thought met a woman at the airport who was quite hostile to Americans her reason was the help they gave to the Irish terrorists and just looked the other way when the bombs went off and sent them more cash, now a reasonable person knows this was just the Irish in the White House who are a skuzzy lot and who cares who gets blown up its just politics,and lets be honest these are the people who vote G Bush in TWICE

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Also as a second thought met a woman at the airport who was quite hostile to Americans her reason was the help they gave to the Irish terrorists and just looked the other way when the bombs went off and sent them more cash, now a reasonable person knows this was just the Irish in the White House who are a skuzzy lot and who cares who gets blown up its just politics,and lets be honest these are the people who vote G Bush in TWICE


Please correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't the Irish Catholic vote generally go to the Democrats? :confused:

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Yes, The Kenedys were in the white house at that time.

correct i remember all the talk at that time there was plenty of ammunition to go around,but water under the bridge and i'll leave it for future debate:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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correct i remember all the talk at that time there was plenty of ammunition to go around,but water under the bridge and i'll leave it for future debate:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

my wish is that i hope i haven't hurt anyone's tender feelings

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