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Any of you ex pats now in America or Canada?


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eyup springlass i think "cynthia" & "joto" are both in canada now but i dont know if theyre on line at the moment


Well if they are living anywhere in NW Ontario they are probably hunkered down and waiting for it to stop snowing...which it has been all doing day without a break. We have so much snow it will be weeks before we see any sign of the lawn or garden let alone spring flowers. Each time it melts a couple of inches we get twice as much to replace it. Weather channel says this has been coldest winter in years and it's not done yet.

But it's better than earthquakes or hurricanes.....

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Well if they are living anywhere in NW Ontario they are probably hunkered down and waiting for it to stop snowing...which it has been all doing day without a break. We have so much snow it will be weeks before we see any sign of the lawn or garden let alone spring flowers. Each time it melts a couple of inches we get twice as much to replace it. Weather channel says this has been coldest winter in years and it's not done yet.

But it's better than earthquakes or hurricanes.....

i dobelieve cynthia is on line now, why dont you send her a personal message & see how it goes? send us plenty of your snow please
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Been in Florida for around 24 years now. First 5 years in Titusville, 10 miles up the road from Kennedy Space Center. Since 1990 been on Amelia Island, 25 miles north of Jacksonville.My wife was born over here, but I swept her off her feet and took her to my abode in Walkley and we got married at the Wedding Cake in Sheffield in 84. She would move back to Sheffield in a heartbeat, as she loved the city and surrounding countryside, but the grandkids keep us over this side of the pond.

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Well if they are living anywhere in NW Ontario they are probably hunkered down and waiting for it to stop snowing...which it has been all doing day without a break. We have so much snow it will be weeks before we see any sign of the lawn or garden let alone spring flowers. Each time it melts a couple of inches we get twice as much to replace it. Weather channel says this has been coldest winter in years and it's not done yet.

But it's better than earthquakes or hurricanes.....


Hello Springslass, I live in Southern Ontario, 'Burlington' I've been here since 1974, my children grow up here, I've lived over half my life here now. So Canada is definitely home, I've got 6 grandchildren that was born here.

All our snow has now gone, but no doubt before March is out we'll get some more :D We ought to have had a poll for this thread:thumbsup:

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P.E.I great in the summer but i think rogG is quite wealthy can afford to pay for someone to dig him out of those 15 ft snow banks.Kingsville Ontario the most southern town in Canada & all the snow is gone the tomato plants are in & the birds are singing:thumbsup::thumbsup:


Our snow is still around flyer. 3ft of it. It's looking dirty now from all the stuff they put on the roads that the ploughs have thrown up. Beautiful sunny day today but Spring time, if you can call it that, is mud season. Meting snow mixes with the sandy soil and the road muck to create a slushy mess. Not great for taking the dogs for a walk.


Not wealthy. Just lazy. I pay a guy $200 p.a. to keep my driveway clear.


Would I return to Sheffield? Only for a visit. I'm headed over this Aug for a month. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Since this is an expat forum I was wondering how many people on here are in America and Canada. I have been in Cincinnati coming up for 12 years.


I wondered were you are located?, how long have you been here?


Hi StJohn,

I came to Canada in Jan. '88 Lived in Barrie area, Ontario. Now in Creemore.

Used to live up behind the Acorn, Burncross.

rogG, I see you spent some time in Nfld. I married a Newfie girl,originally from Fogo Island, more recently Labrador City. (Now we're talking SNOW!!), I wish I could get someone to shift my snow for $200/year.

Been back to Sheffield frequently, twice this year already just for funerals.

I prefer the lifestyle here.

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I'm in Boston, Massachusetts. I lived in Los Angeles for a few years too. I definitely regret moving here. It's been fine, people are friendly, the towns are nice etc. But it's just not the same as home, and everything is so widely spaced out here. In England I could pop over the border to Derbyshire any morning and be enjoying the Peak District by lunchtime. Here I'd have to drive for hundreds of miles to get to the nearest national park, and none of them (in my opinion) match the Peak District. Plus, in England I was a day or two's train ride from any country in Europe. While I can hear immigrants speak Spanish and Portuguese by heading into downtown Boston, it's not the same.


Yup. I'd move back to England in a heartbeat, and if the current financial crisis gets any worse we'll be penniless and we might be no worse off by moving back to Blighty.

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Brought up on Beall St. Been in British Columbia since 1974. Now live in NE BC. Temperature minus 33C this morning and minus 36C yesterday so Spring is coming!! Every few years we go back to Sheffield but BC is home now. Miss a plate of whelks in Castle Market though!

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I'm in Boston, Massachusetts. I lived in Los Angeles for a few years too. I definitely regret moving here. It's been fine, people are friendly, the towns are nice etc. But it's just not the same as home, and everything is so widely spaced out here. In England I could pop over the border to Derbyshire any morning and be enjoying the Peak District by lunchtime. Here I'd have to drive for hundreds of miles to get to the nearest national park, and none of them (in my opinion) match the Peak District. Plus, in England I was a day or two's train ride from any country in Europe. While I can hear immigrants speak Spanish and Portuguese by heading into downtown Boston, it's not the same.


Yup. I'd move back to England in a heartbeat, and if the current financial crisis gets any worse we'll be penniless and we might be no worse off by moving back to Blighty.


Depends where you live in the US, I'm with in walking distance to a park, tennis courts,childrens playground, local shops ect, ect, also live on a quite street at the same time :) ..Connecticut :thumbsup:

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