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Any of you ex pats now in America or Canada?


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Hi Splitlip, I spent many hours in the Acorn Pub in the early 80's, used to take my girlfriend there on a friday night. I grew up at the top of Springwood lane. I remember there were fields behind the Acorn?



There's a park (a fairly steep hill) and a footpath. I lived in the house right on top of the hill on the right. I think there are more new houses on the left now,where the old factory used to be.

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I have just got off the phone with my Dad in Sheffield and was reading this thread and had to have a snicker to myself. He told me Sheffield has gone to the dogs, a friend up the road had his car broken into, again, the council, the weather, speed cameras, everything is so expensive, they are closing the pubs ....... you get the idea.


So should I tear him a new one for badmouthing our beloved city?


Everyone has gripes about where they live and places they feel close to and usually they will share them in places and with people they feel comfortable with ..... We are Sheffielders and we are known for speaking our minds.

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I have just got off the phone with my Dad in Sheffield and was reading this thread and had to have a snicker to myself. He told me Sheffield has gone to the dogs, a friend up the road had his car broken into, again, the council, the weather, speed cameras, everything is so expensive, they are closing the pubs ....... you get the idea.


So should I tear him a new one for badmouthing our beloved city?


Everyone has gripes about where they live and places they feel close to and usually they will share them in places and with people they feel comfortable with ..... We are Sheffielders and we are known for speaking our minds.



The best way I heard it was originally about Newfoundlanders, but the same applies to Sheffield.

"You can take the man out of Sheffield, but you can't take Sheffield out of the man".

My home was broken into on four occasions in the last two years that I lived in Sheffield,(that's more than 20 years ago). When I do go back it is depressing to see the steel shutters on the shop windows etc., graffiti, the ridiculous volume of traffic, & the general feeling of not being safe is very real.

However there is,and always will be, something very special about growing up in Sheffield, if that wasn't so, we would not be on this forum, talking about the things that make Sheffield so great.

Having said that, Sheffield is great, but there's no place like "home".

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How sweet it is,oh how I wish I could put things in print as well as Cynthia :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:


Thanks for your comments Flyer. I am 78 years old so have had people twist my words and make digs before. Life goes on- I hope. My brother who lives in Norton Lees is 86 years old so here's hoping.


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Thanks for your comments Flyer. I am 78 years old so have had people twist my words and make digs before. Life goes on- I hope. My brother who lives in Norton Lees is 86 years old so here's hoping.



oh I've got a long way to go only 75 but dad was pushing 100 &mum was over 90:thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Been in North Central Florida for three Years, Keystone Heights to be exact a place we fetched up after hurricane Wilma rearanged our house in Broward County. We had an RV and toured Canada and most of the eastern seaboard of the USA. Canada is much too cold for me and the black flies in summer in Ontario were a menace. PEI is very nice and so is Nova Scotia but our favourite place was St Andrews in New Brunswick. It is located on the famous Bay of Fundy with the highest tidal range in the world. The Canadians are very friendly and much more British orientated than Americans and they know how to make a cuppa which is something the Americans don't seem to grasp.


The exchange rate is now dire and I suspect many expats will be thinking of returning to Britain but I'm 80 this year and we did move back to Epworth in N lincolnshire for 3 summers and enjoyed our trips to my old hiking places but the uncrontrolled yobos and filthy streets cancell that out. I miss the Football and the friendly Sheffield people but that's about all. We have now bought a trailer/camper and will be out of Florida during the hottest months and may well end up in our beloved St. Andrews again and New Brunswick and of course the Maine coast, a long haul but well worth it.

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Beery although you make some very valid points I think you are a bit hard on Cynthia, unless I totally mis-read her post she didn't try to put down Sheffield or Sheffielders but simply said she preferred Canada. Her point about the Yobos is well known. Here in the States the youths don't behave like the louts in Britain.

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Since this is an expat forum I was wondering how many people on here are in America and Canada. I have been in Cincinnati coming up for 12 years.


I wondered were you are located?, how long have you been here?


I've been over here now for 41 years, 9 in Canada ( 8 in Quebec, 1 in Newfoundland. Then 2 in Chicopee, Mass. and the rest in Connecticut ( Windsor, Windsor Locks, and East Windsor) To me, Conn is the most beautiful state in the union. It has enough stone walls to equal the Peak District, and the rolling hills and winding country roads are very much like home was, and this is where I'll stay till my time is up, enjoying the world's finest college basketball, men or women, eh Poppins?

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I'm all for people feeling happy with the decisions they've made in life. But that all ends when people start tearing down the options they chose not to take and the places and people they left behind them.


Some of the responses on here, for example the one above, make me wonder why some of you folks come to a Sheffield forum. I mean, judging by what her post clearly implies, it seems like Cynthia dislikes Sheffield and Sheffield people. If that's the case, Cynthia, why are you on an internet forum specifically devoted to Sheffield and its people? Why not just leave, shake the dust from your shoes, and avoid the place and the people altogether?


Look, Sheffield people are no different than people anywhere else. Like any other people there's the occasional bad apple, but that doesn't mean that in general they're any less likely to greet you politely. And this idea that Sheffield youths are generally impolite is nonsense: they may not always be bright and cheerful and they may not dress to impress, but like any city, Sheffield has sometimes had its hard times, so there's sometimes reason to be glum. I'm sure the elders of the 18th and 19th centuries went around in abject terror because the youth of the age dressed poorly and looked as if they'd kill you as soon as look at you. Youths tend to do that, because they're youths, but get to know them and they're just the same as we were at that age.


Then there's the issue of city folk vs. country folk. Sheffield has a population of 530,000 while your town, Ajax, has a population of 93,000, so to compare them is unfair: there are going to be differences in how people respond to the people around them. Yes, it takes more effort to engage with city folk, but that's just a facet of the crowding together that goes on in cities - it doesn't mean city folk are less friendly or less generous. They just respond in a different way. That's the same in Sheffield as it is in similar sized cities in North America such as Ottawa or Boston, but it doesn't mean that cities are worse - they're just different.


But if Sheffield expats really just don't like Sheffield people, there's an easy solution - DON'T SEEK THEM OUT! Hell, in Ontario, just like here in Boston, the chance of meeting one of those 'impolite' Sheffield teens or an inconsiderate Sheffield bus driver is virtually zero.


So if you regard Sheffielders as unpleasant and impolite, why go on a forum where you're bound to meet them?


And if it is just a case of wanting to make yourself feel better about leaving Sheffield, please stop it, because when you're disrespectful towards Sheffield and Sheffielders, you're being disrespectful towards most of the members of this website as well as me and my family and the town we grew up in.


There are ways of celebrating the choices you made without badmouthing the alternatives.

There are on this forum a number of people who continuously put down America for whatever reason, even against native born Americans who grace us with their presence. As a Sheffielder I feel ashamed about it at times. If I read comments from fellow Sheffielders about some of the stuff happening in Sheffield today, I can only comment on it negatively. That is not putting down my native town. If I comment, as I have done, about the beauty of Connecticut, that is not a negative connotation about Derbyshire. You have made enough badmouth about New England that you ought to go home. We do not need negativity right now.
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