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Bit disappointed with menu at East Ocean

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My boyfriend and I went to the East Ocean cafe for dinner the other night. I've been there quite a few times before, but it was the first time I'd been for quite a while and they'd changed the menu since the last time I ate there. I'm vegetarian and there'd always been a more limited choice at East Ocean than at most Chinese/East Asian restaurants, but I was really surprised that out of all the large selection of Thai, Japanese & Thai meals on the new menu, there isn't a single vegetarian main course! There were some veggie starters and the usual vegetable side dishes like pak choi, stir-fried mushrooms, etc, but nothing that could be considered a main meal. I asked if they were able to adapt one of the meat dishes and eventually they agreed to do me a Japanese mixed veg curry (which was pretty tasty), but I definitely got the impression that they thought this was a very odd request and saw it as quite an inconvenience.

It's a real shame, because the menu has some interesting meat & fish dishes and the food there has always been really good, but if there's nothing I can eat then there's no point me going!

And before anyone turns up looking for an argument and tries to turn this into a debate about vegetarianism, yes it's my decision, I fully accept that it means I might sometimes have a limited choice in restaurants and I'm not saying restaurants have any obligation to offer vegetarian options. It's just unusual, in my experience, to find an Asian restaurant that doesn't offer any vegetarian dishes, given the prevalence of bean curd and other non-meat proteins in Asian cuisine.

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