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A Sheffield Forum BBQ!?

A Sheffield Forum BBQ? Charity Event?  

122 members have voted

  1. 1. A Sheffield Forum BBQ? Charity Event?

    • Yes! Brill idea - let's get planning!
    • No. Bad idea - would never happen.

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What a fantastic idea and count me in if you need any help.


Probaly need to keep it fairly informal though as not to break health and safety rules and food regs .Especially if you are selling tickets different legistslation kicks in.


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Yes, the reason they don't charge for Sheffield Fayre is to keep it open to all, but also because paying to get into an event means you have to look at complex health & safety issues, as well as insurance and security issues.


Its best to keep the first one low key if possible, and then once we know that has worked well, then bigger BBQ's can follow!


What about Devonshire Green? Perhaps the Forum would like to help out with buy 1 get one free drinks or something! They've had marquees there before.


Or Heeley Millennium park - thats got loads of space.

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Well done Sparklesista: youve really got this thing running.....


What about selling raffle tickets - three winners to choose their own personal charities (Local charities a priority).


As I dont know how to set up a 'vote for' list maybe it would be advisable at this point in time for one of the mods to attach a list of persons wanting to help so we can all vote. Its great everyone wants to help but gets a little crazy organising....just an idea... Iam crap at organising.


Know Ive mentioned it before but can someone organise a doggy competition just to keep me happy. Considering there are so many dog lovers on the forum and it may even go on to develop a dog walking section. I can see the headlines now


"Manic dogs set loose in Graves Park"


Sorry back on thread. Iam willing to assist where I can nothing too taxing though.



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The raffle sounds like a great idea - its easy to buy books, or we could get some printed. If every member of the forum bought just one ticket we'd need at least 11,871 tickets!


I'd suggest making a list of all the things which we need to make this thing happen - i.e. prizes, food, booze, entertainment etc and then get people to put their names down for each thing they'd like to help with.


Bear in mind, last year we worked really hard to get the Trust organised for the Sheffield Fayre & 8 months disappeared very quickly!! There was plenty to do!

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come on natalie I'm sure you could gather a small crew together to organise it and blag local companies for donations etc!


any helped needed count me in darlin!

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