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Eating disorders [bulimia and anorexia]

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If you know anybody who has an eating disorder or have one yourself then please visit this website. It is designed to HELP people get over there illness and in no way promote eating disorders.

There is a chatroom, message forums, photo albums, advice plus lots more.


The site is run by people who have had eating disorders themselves.


Thanks xxx



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My sister suffers from an eating disorder so thought I'd have a look at this sight, but was disgusted to find the following adverts or 'MSN Groups Sponsored Links' on the sight.


Slimming - Weight Watchers

Reach your healthy weight with WeightWatchers.co.uk. With new Switch, make small changes to your life, which can mean big changes to your weight. Now with... http://www.weightwatchers.co.uk


Slimming with the Daily Mail

The Daily Mail has teamed up with eDiets to promote healthy eating in 2005. Click here to receive a free diet profile and find out how you could start... http://www.edietsuk.co.uk


Slimming Pills.com

All-natural slimming pills that yield results. 100% safe and natural, guaranteed results and next-day delivery with UK orders. http://www.slimming-pills.com


I just don't think that these are appropriate adverts. People trying to deal with an eating disorder need to get away from such advertising and pressures to do with slimming, body image etc. These things are on their minds enough, without having to be subjected to it when they go to a site that is supposed to help them with their problem.

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Im sorry to hear about your sister and I can assure you I dont want these adverts on my site.

I am currently trying to get msn to take these adverts off my site.

Sorry if it offended you.Good luck to your sister xxx

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Don't worry I don't have a problem with with the site, I think it's really good apart from the adverts. I just think it's a bit sick that an obviously vulnerable audience has been targeted like that. Glad that you think the same.

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to add to the topic - do you know anywhere in sheffield that does support groups for families of sufferers.


my sister too suffers and am unsure about the best way to help her and also (being selfish here) not to get too emotionally drained as well.


She is seeking help however i think i need to sort something out -the ups and downs of leave me a little drained to say the least!


If you dont would there be an opportunity to start one?, I am trained in group work so could lead one if anyone else is interested pm me.



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Thanks three colours! I was going to suggest that link too! I know that there is an eating disorder centre somewhere near Bungreave in Sheffield and also that you can get counselling at St George's Hospital on Winter Street[across from weston park] but you may need a referal from your doctor.Good luck xxxxxxx

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The thing that isn't immediately obvious to non-sufferers is that the disorder often isn't driven by food.


Bulemia is often a phsychological control defence and anorexia is the revulsion of food brought on by stress. Just to be really confusing, self image can be part of the real problem, though tackling other areas of dissatisfaction in somebody's life will bring about the cure - the 'eating disorder' curing itself in the process.


I saw a very interesting programme that demonstrated that anorexia is actually an addiction to chemicals produced in the sufferers own body, arising from a 'pavlov's dog' scenario.


No person in a burning building will ever be hungry. The body produces 'panic' chemicals to help us deal with stressful situations but which suppress appetite. In the sufferer, appetite suppressing chemicals are evoked by hunger. This means that an anorexic will effectively get high on being hungry.


F*** all to do with food, unfortunately :(

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:( I work in an eating disorder clinic but it's private and you need funding from your local authourity to stay there. Please ring the EDA in the yellow pages for info, or ask your GP to be refered and get funding. You can get help dont rely on your family. Please stay positive until professionals get involved
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