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Eating disorders [bulimia and anorexia]

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had a look at the website and think I will go and take a look at the next meeting.


my sister is currently reading the getting better bit(e) by bit(e) plus seeing someone every other week. For her too it is not about the food itself but rather something she can control in her life. For me as a witness to her struggle it appears that unless you can see that it needs to be addressed then it will never be resolved.


My biggest fear with her is that she actually gets praise for being - so slim and toned and gets alot of looks and admiring stares. I am scared that she (has admitted this) rejoices in this and is and will make her be less inclined to stop.


Working with drug users (the model is similar not the people) the path of change is very much the same there must be a true desire to change rather than a passive agreement. without this and a realisation of the effects (usually meaning they have to reach rock bottom) then there is never really a move on mentally to do anything about it.


My sister had managed to stay binge free for 10 days maximum and then it all went wrong when her routine went out the window. She seems to improve and then fall right back down again heart breaking for me which is why i am definately going to the meeting.

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Hi Emily, i really feel for you, it just goes to show what eating disorders can cause, heartache for more than just the sufferer.

I wish you and your sister, and the rest of your family all the best in her recovery xxxxx

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Awww thankyou, I'll probably see her on there sometime then as Im the manager on there! You are welcome to join aswell if you need somebody to talk to and offer support.good luck xxx

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Originally posted by Emilyp

My biggest fear with her is that she actually gets praise for being - so slim and toned and gets alot of looks and admiring stares. I am scared that she (has admitted this) rejoices in this and is and will make her be less inclined to stop.

I was in a martial arts class when a new 'large' 'lady' passed the really bitchy comment 'it's alright for you, being skinny' (and it was in a bitchy tone, not flippant)


Christ, the sparks flew! 'You can die a damn sight quicker from anorexia than you can from being fat', I seethed in a tone that suggested I would quite happily slit her throat. That altered her perspective PDQ.


I get sick of these 'persecuted' fat bitches (just the bitches, there are loads of cuddly nice people out there :thumbsup: )

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Originally posted by evildrneil

[MOD NOTE] Thread re-opened after being trimmed. Eating disorders cause many people large amounts of distress and are frequently fatal - this is not a topic for jokes.


Eating disorders are on a par with alcholism, probably worse such as bulimia is hard to spot. We should have more help for the sufferers.

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