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Eating disorders [bulimia and anorexia]

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  • 5 years later...

I think some people have an hard time understanding eating disorders. It's easy to see a large person and say 'They must be fat because they eat too much' and then see a skinny person and say 'They must have a fast metabolism'


I can't see anyone eating too much to be unhealthy. There are many reasons to someone's eating patterns. Some have habits and some have emotional issues, or even health problems. Even those without an eating disorder may eat more due to the lack of nutrients in something poor. Your body can easily eat a full packet of biscuits and still cry out for more due to the poor nutritional choice.

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I have a doctor friend who is in charge of Pyschiatric Medicine for a county, who is convinced that anorexia is fundamentally a self-image issue and can only be tackled successfully by involving and treating the whole family, not just the person with anorexia.


I've also read that mineral deficiencies can play a part - zinc and selenium in particular.

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I have a doctor friend who is in charge of Pyschiatric Medicine for a county, who is convinced that anorexia is fundamentally a self-image issue and can only be tackled successfully by involving and treating the whole family, not just the person with anorexia.


I've also read that mineral deficiencies can play a part - zinc and selenium in particular.


To some extent that's true. I know if the body is lacking a certain nutrient it can play a part.


There is much more to it than that though.

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