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Why do some people drop litter?

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I don't think theres any1 in the world whos never dropped a piece of litter in there lives.


Yes there is :)


I think that dropping litter is just a sign about how little some people care for themselves. Why would anyone choose to live in a world covered in litter?

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It is obviously a deliberate action, the psychology of which eludes me. Perhaps they are marking their territory, or as a sign of protest, or laying down some kind of challenge to society? Wonder what they'd say if someone flung a half eaten pizza onto their lounge carpet.

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Dare I suggest that if parents do not teach their children not to drop litter, then that explains it?


My kids know not to drop it, but I've caught my son doing it with starburst wrappers, he was looking at me (to make sure I wasn't watching) and then let go of the wrapper behind his back, I was watching, oops.

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It's weird, but you don't see half as much litter in european cities.Whether that's because they pick it up more efficiently, or just drop less, I don't know.


It's bad here around Empire road, drifts of the stuff. It's one of the few things that does get me down - such a simple change in behaviour would lead to such a great improvement in the milieu.

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