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Why do some people drop litter?

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My kids know not to drop it, but I've caught my son doing it with starburst wrappers, he was looking at me (to make sure I wasn't watching) and then let go of the wrapper behind his back, I was watching, oops.
I hope you gave him a Scutch :D
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I think its all about laziness and respect. People that drop litter have either not learnt how to respect their surroundings and others yet or or never will.


Agreed. Its simply easier to drop litter than pop it in the bin or your pocket. I used to have to pick it up round my old flat as it bothered me intensely looking at it. There was a bin like two metres from the area that all the litter got dropped (and it was lidded so you know it was dropped) which was particularly annoying. Glad I live in a gated community now though as theres none inside so far!

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Not just kids - last year as I was going past the bus stop at Banner Cross I saw a smartly dressed bloke in his thirties sat opening some electrical thing. He just threw all the plastic packaging straight on the floor, despite there being a bin at the end of the bus stop. I just don't get it.

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The last time I used the tram I was getting on at Fitzalen Square and there are two bins on both sides. Anyway there was a youth no more than 5ft away from the bin when the tram came just drop his coke bottle on the floor-idletw@t

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why do some people drop litter can they not use the bins provided .

When i catch the train to chesterfield from dronfield the shelter is usually strewn with chip papers and chips all over the floor yet there are bins on the platform and there is even one fastened to the side of the shelter.

Are these people too idle to get off there backsides and put the litter in the nearest bin.


Because they are idle, thick stupid morons who should be fined £100 plus for every single scrap they drop.

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