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I can cope with Beckham on the box as he is a nice bloke but its his missus that gets on my nerves flaunting her wealth day in and day out.

I think we are all aware how rich she is, and her continueing to do this puts her family at risk of kidnap like the threats to her Son.

She is sometimes a liabilty to Beckham putting all the family at risk.

There are many, many head bangers who would think nothing of harming them for peanuts and her constant nose rubbing really gets my goat.

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I'd hope the move to Spain would have cut the amount of coverage they get in our papers and on TV. Sadly not.


Did anyone see the look on Beckham's face when he was aciidentally tripped during the game last week? If he wasn't already yellow carded I think we may a seen a retalitory strike. He might act passive and caring off the pitch but he is can be a thug on it.

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I opened the Sun the other day and counted 7 pages with something to do with Beckham!!


It s a bit of a coincidence that the main pro-Iraqi war mongering paper is now tryin to brain-wash its readers that everything is fine, troops aren't dying, and it isn't costing America $1 billion a week (so who knows what its costin us) - with Signor BECKHAM


Load of old tosh!!

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Cycleracer, you got it right...


Who got him to sign up to the PR agency...?


Who asked him to go on the promotional tour of the states and the Far East...?


Who put the frighteners under him regarding Fergie...?


Yep, Posh Spice. He needs to get shut of that Ming Mong before she has him packing in football so that she can have him guesting on her new album so that she becomes 'famous' again.

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