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My Tabby cat is always hungry

sheff utd

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My cat is always hungry at one time she did'nt eat much now everytime i go to kitchen she is always meowing for food there is fresh water and tbus not like my taavailable i have 3 other cats and they get hungry but not like my tabby what can i do

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How old is she?


Is she very active or an outdoors adventure cat?


Is she wormed regularly?


Is she spayed?


Are there any interpersonal issues between her and the other cats which could stop her from getting to the food when you feed them all together?


I need a lot more information to have a stab at the issue.

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If you have 3 other cats are you sure she is getting her fiar share? You may have to feed her seperatly for a while to make sure she is getting enough. Pregnancy checks and worming is sound advce!

Other than that some are more active than others, and need more food or are just plain more greedy than others!!! Just keep an eye on her weight!

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she as been spayed and all my cats are females and she is an indoor cat never goes out how often should you worm them


if she doesnt go out every 6 months is advisable :thumbsup:

if she did/or does go out then every 3 months with them catching mice and birds etc

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