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Nonnas on Ecclesall Road


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Originally posted by squidge00

but then the staff took one look at us and promptly ushered us in to the back room where we wouldn't be seen to be lowering the tone of the place - or at least that's how it felt.


that is probably because you did not look like Michael Winner or that woman in leopardskin from Birds of a Feather

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me and the good Mrs Bacala went a couple of months ago as we went for a stroll down Eccy Rd after Endcliffe Park. Not my sort of place (a lot of the lawyers I work with frequent there) but seeing as it was a Sunday and it looks so nice from the outside we gave it a go.

We won't be going back!

we were greeted with looks of utter disgust from the regulars as we weren't guccied up or **** knows why, then the staff were rude and the food overpriced and very ordinary.

I get the lads point about supporting local business over a national chain and I always will if it makes sense but in this case it certainly doesn't

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Originally posted by SuzyQ

You know that story about the Emporor's New Clothes?

Or, when enough people talk about something (or a restaurant in this instance), you believe them. Well, having heard all the raves about Nonnas on Eccy rd, I went - twice - and the first time I just thought the chef was havin a bad night. The second time I began to feel like one of the "villagers" looking at the Emporor - and wonderin if I was the only one who could see he had no clothes on.


The food was very mediocre.


Does anyone else think Nonnas is just an overrated, expensive "cool place to eat and be seen in"?:?:




The tomato soup was like tinned tomatoes thrown into a bowl.

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Originally posted by DanielJ

There is an awful lot of jealousy about Nonnas; surely Sheffield people should be supporting a business with its roots firmly here and here only; and who support only local businesses.


Or try places like caffe uno or the forthcoming La Tasca with about 6 in every major city- mainly London based businesses.


I am not sure what the majority of the "Sheffield Forum users" have against Nonnas- maybe ex- disgruntled staff or jealous people- but the food is consistently very good every time I have eaten there and a pasta for £8.95 is a standard price- hardly expensive?:confused:



Where's La Tasca?

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Only ever been once and never again, Me and my fiancee were seated in the middle of the tiny back room and kept getting knocked by passing ignorant waiters. The food was rubbish as was the service. I would recommend Las Iguanas probably the best restaraunt in sheffield.

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Originally posted by DanielJ

There is an awful lot of jealousy about Nonnas; surely Sheffield people should be supporting a business with its roots firmly here and here only; and who support only local businesses.

I'm with Nick2 here... how can it be jealousy? There's no point in supporting a local business if it's crap. If I must rally round Sheffield's own, then I shall support the local chippy instead, as they are always friendly, you get what you ask for, and it's reasonably priced.

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I think we should bring this thread to their attention and hopefully bring em down a peg or two!


there's plenty of quality, local establishments that are an absolute pleasure to be in....

that place...well, w***y and Sheffield just don't go together for me....its far too friendly!

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