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Portuguese Restaurant- Not Nandos!


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Does anyone know any Portuguese restaurants in Sheffield?


From what I recall, real Portuguese food is all about fresh Mediterranean/Atlantic fish and seafood (plus lots of random eggs on everything). Not the kind of thing that translates too well to high longitude, landlocked, Sheffield perhaps.

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I would love to find a propper tradtional Portuguese restaurant. I would not class nandos as one. I only been to rural Portugal and food is very tradtional. They do a soup i think it cabbage but really tasty. That the big thing about Portuguese food is simple but taste homely and is fresh. Even fast food you have veg or salad or meals are well balanced. Yes they do serve boil eggs with meal. In rural Portugal is quite poor but the thing they have lots of is chickens as most people own chickens and most people grow there own veg. There is no big supermarkets unless you go to a big town so people make dinner from what they grow , own and bartter.

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  • 1 year later...

Maybe reviving a bit of an old thread but...


I want to know where to find one too! I miss home! specially the food...


Anyway... about nandos... lol. I'll just say this. Fernando (Nando) the guy who started that great business is half portuguese half southafrican and a very clever business man. The food however is overpriced and, as the restaurant and symbols, it is sold as genuine and it is very far from it.


There is alot to be discovered from portuguese cuisine and culture, but little to be found in Nando's, eheh. Anyway, I still go there sometimes, cos it is not so bad, but it is definetly different from the real thing.


If anyone discovered a portuguese restaurant let us know =)

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I love Nando's - overprice n'all. HOWEVER.....I too would love to find an authentic Portuguese restaurant.....for indeed the same thing I have in Nando's.....piri piri chicken.


I holidayed in Portugal back in the early 1990's.....and didn't want to eat at the usual tourist traps so asked a local where they would go to eat and we went there on the recommendation.


It was way out of town on a little road and to be honest it looked like a public toilet block....with little windows way up high on the single storey building. It was plainish....no fancy sign or lighting.


I went in...basic decor.....but....the food was amazing. :love:


Piri piri chicken....which was a small chicken spatchcocked all washed down with lashings of green wine. Happy days. :D

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