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Too old to skateboard?

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Sounds like another one of my daft ideas but i've always wanted to learn how to skateboard, im 22, probably too old to be condsidering starting. Does anyone know anywhere to go (or anyone else like minded) that won't be full of teenagers taking the ****, or is this already inevitable. The only place I know is down on devonshire green, although im sure i will be naturally gifted on a skateboard I don't think im quite ready for that.



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You need a flat piece of pavement, preferably paving stones rather than gritty. Go anywhere there aren't any children. The skate parks are only there for somewhere for the kids who want to show off. Start in your back garden. You don't need a skate park to skate!

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Most skateparks - and Sheffield has four (Dev Green, Millhouses, Cookson and The House indoor skatepark with its nice wooden floor so no grazes!) will be full of teenagers taking the **** at weekends. But with the luxury of adulthood you could probably have an enjoyable skate there in the week while they're all in college.

I agree with Meer that you need somewhere flat to start off with - the trouble with Dev is the obstacles are so close together you wouldn't get much of a flat run.

Try skating street - car parks after office hours or supermarket car parks are great for practising.

And be prepared to fall off, this is a sport where no pain is no gain I'm afraid.

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Also - although its usually scrotty teens you see carting boards around there are plenty of skaters knocking about in their thirties and beyond. The only downside to being an older skater is you don't bounce like you used to when you come a cropper.

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Cheers for the tips. Next issue is where to get a board from, any suggestions? Also are there different types of boards etc? As I am sure you are well aware I am very knowledgable on the topic of skateboading.

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The House (Neepsend) has a skate shop inside the park selling boards, trucks, wheels etc. You could probably get a decent set up there very cheaply. Also all the staff are skaters and know what they're talking about!

If you can't make the trek there's Route One in town on Chapel Walk, again friendly skater staff who should give decent advice. There are different types of boards, when it comes to size and also different brands are made in different presses. When you get the feel of it you'll figure out what you're comfortable riding.

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I've been thinking the same for some time (I'm 25 now and haven't skated since I was about 10 and I was rubbish then).


I've just moved house so I'm unlikely to do anything about it straight away, but I'd be interested to know how you get on. Post back with progress please. :)

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