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Does anyone the know the name of the eighties diner in Wadsley Bridge

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Can anyone tell me the name of a greasy spoon pretending to be an American style diner? It was opposite the Gate pub in Wadsley Bridge. My friend and I remember that it was opened in the early eighties but neither one of us can remember what it was called. It's one of those stupid, trivial things that drives me mad! I hate not remembering things!

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Originally posted by tulip

Can anyone tell me the name of a greasy spoon pretending to be an American style diner? It was opposite the Gate pub in Wadsley Bridge. My friend and I remember that it was opened in the early eighties but neither one of us can remember what it was called. It's one of those stupid, trivial things that drives me mad! I hate not remembering things!


am i right in thinking it was where the somerfield car park is ? if its the same one it was there in 96 i enjoyed it the food was nice but it was a tad pricey


im sure i started up a thread on this diner on sf a while back, as for the name of the place im sure it was just called american diner or american cafe


hope that helps:)

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If it was the place next to Somerfields, they still have their name on the signs for the business park. I think it was called "OK Diner", I'll look later today when I go past to make sure.

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The ok diner wasn't opposite the Gate but opposite Trafalgar Road Medical c entre.There used to be a cafe opposite the Gate called the New Stand cafe which was were HSS is now.This closed down when they built the new dual carriageway and knocked the old Gate down!

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Thanks for all the replies. None of that sounds like the diner I remember but I think I might be OLD to the rest of you (38) I haven't lived in Sheffield for almost twenty years - it feels horrible to think of it like that! So is the Gate pub gone? I remember it was next to the dual carriage way, they built that when I was small child but maybe they've built a new road since then!

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I think tulip might be referring to the diner that was on the end of Clay Wheels Lane, across from the Gate pub. After the diner it became a golf shop and now I think its a mobile phone shop. Can't remember what it was called though.


And yes the Gate is still there set back from the dual carriageway.


Just about where the arrow is, tulip ?



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YES, pietro is right, it was the one at the end of Claywheels Lane. After all this time I've forgotton road names - how sad. I knew I wasn't THAT old, I was starting to think half of old Sheffield had been demolished and there was a giant super tram system and American style shopping mall built in it's place. I must have been watching too many sci fi movies, phew what a relief to know Sheffield is just how I remember it with the big fish tank 'int middle t ole int rooad' I remember giving someone from Southampton directions to somwhere in the city centre and they came back all flustered after spending half an hour looking for a patch of oil in the middle of the road!


Now all I need is for someone to remember the name of that bloody diner!


Thanks pietro x

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